框架式 md 定理,末尾带有 qed 符号

框架式 md 定理,末尾带有 qed 符号




spaceabove=0pt, spacebelow=0pt, headfont=\normalfont\bfseries,
notefont=\mdseries, notebraces={(}{)}, headpunct={\newline}, headindent={},
postheadspace={ }, postheadspace=4pt, bodyfont=\normalfont, qed=$\blacktriangle$

outermargin = 1.3cm , %
leftmargin = 0pt , rightmargin = 0pt , %
innerleftmargin = 5pt , innerrightmargin = 5pt , %
innertopmargin = 5pt, innerbottommargin = 5pt , %
backgroundcolor = blue!10 , %
align = center , % align the environment itself (left, center, rigth)
nobreak = true, % prevent a frame from splitting
hidealllines = true , %
topline = true , bottomline = true , %
splittopskip = \topskip , splitbottomskip = 0pt , %
skipabove = 0.5\baselineskip ,  skipbelow = 0.3\baselineskip]

Lorem ipsum sed nulla id risus adipiscing vulputate.

Um consumidor financiou a compra de um veículo pagando 48 parcelas de \$800,00 mensais e a taxa de juros cobrada pela concessionária foi de 1,2\% a.m.. Qual era o valor à vista do automóvel adquirido?
$PV = 800 \times \left[ \dfrac{1,012^{48}-1}{1,012^{48}\times 0,012} \right] \newline
PV = 800 \times \left[ \dfrac{0,772820}{0,021274} \right] \newline
PV = \$29.061,79$

Lorem ipsum sed nulla id risus adipiscing vulputate.

我尝试了很多次,但到目前为止,我还没有成功将 放在框架环境$\blacktriangle$的末尾mdframed。以下是我目前得到的结果:




这是一个借鉴的解决方案阴影定理 (thmtools) 跨越页面



    outermargin = 1.3cm , %






这是一个完整的 MWE,可供使用。

% arara: pdflatex
% !arara: indent: {overwrite: on}

    spaceabove=0pt, spacebelow=0pt, headfont=\normalfont\bfseries,
    notefont=\mdseries, notebraces={(}{)}, headpunct={\newline}, headindent={},
    postheadspace={ }, postheadspace=4pt, bodyfont=\normalfont, qed=$\blacktriangle$,

    outermargin = 1.3cm , %
    leftmargin = 0pt , rightmargin = 0pt , %
    innerleftmargin = 5pt , innerrightmargin = 5pt , %
    innertopmargin = 5pt, innerbottommargin = 5pt , %
    backgroundcolor = blue!10 , %
    align = center , % align the environment itself (left, center, rigth)
    nobreak = true, % prevent a frame from splitting
    hidealllines = true , %
    topline = true , bottomline = true , %
    splittopskip = \topskip , splitbottomskip = 0pt , %
    skipabove = 0.5\baselineskip ,  skipbelow = 0.3\baselineskip}

Lorem ipsum sed nulla id risus adipiscing vulputate.

    Um consumidor financiou a compra de um veículo pagando 48 parcelas de \$800,00 mensais e a taxa de juros cobrada pela concessionária foi de 1,2\% a.m.. Qual era o valor à vista do automóvel adquirido?
    $PV = 800 \times \left[ \dfrac{1,012^{48}-1}{1,012^{48}\times 0,012} \right] \newline
    PV = 800 \times \left[ \dfrac{0,772820}{0,021274} \right] \newline
    PV = \$29.061,79$

Lorem ipsum sed nulla id risus adipiscing vulputate.

与 Gonzalo 聊天后,thmtools现在有一把mdframed钥匙,可以按如下方式使用(例如)


[   spaceabove=0pt, spacebelow=0pt, headfont=\normalfont\bfseries,
    notefont=\mdseries, notebraces={(}{)}, headpunct={\newline}, headindent={},
    postheadspace={ }, postheadspace=4pt, bodyfont=\normalfont, qed=$\blacktriangle$,
    mdframed={   outermargin = 1.3cm , %
    leftmargin = 0pt , rightmargin = 0pt , %
    innerleftmargin = 5pt , innerrightmargin = 5pt , %
    innertopmargin = 5pt, innerbottommargin = 5pt , %
    backgroundcolor = blue!10 , %
    align = center , % align the environment itself (left, center, rigth)
    nobreak = true, % prevent a frame from splitting
    hidealllines = true , %
    topline = true , bottomline = true , %
    splittopskip = \topskip , splitbottomskip = 0pt , %
    skipabove = 0.5\baselineskip ,  skipbelow = 0.3\baselineskip}


Lorem ipsum sed nulla id risus adipiscing vulputate.

    Um consumidor financiou a compra de um veículo pagando 48 parcelas de \$800,00 mensais e a taxa de juros cobrada pela concessionária foi de 1,2\% a.m.. Qual era o valor à vista do automóvel adquirido?
    $PV = 800 \times \left[ \dfrac{1,012^{48}-1}{1,012^{48}\times 0,012} \right] \newline
    PV = 800 \times \left[ \dfrac{0,772820}{0,021274} \right] \newline
    PV = \$29.061,79$

Lorem ipsum sed nulla id risus adipiscing vulputate.
