



我想画一个几乎和这个一模一样的表格。但是,第 2、3 和 4 行不必这样,可以是普通单元格。

是否可以轻松地绘制它,或者我应该在矢量程序中制作它并将其作为图片导入到我的 LaTeXfile 中?


使用 TikZ 的一种可能性:


  matrix of nodes,
  row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
  column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
  nodes={rectangle,text width=2cm,align=center},
  text depth=1.25ex,
  text height=2.5ex,
  nodes in empty cells}


\matrix (mat) [table]
& & & & &  \\
& & & & &  \\
& & & & &  \\
& & & & &  \\
& & & & &  \\
& & & & &  \\
& & & & &  \\
& & & & &  \\

% horizontal rules
\foreach \row in {2,3,4}
  \draw (mat-\row-1.north west) -- (mat-\row-6.north east);
\draw[ultra thick] (mat-8-1.south west) -- (mat-8-5.south east);
\draw[ultra thick] (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-1-5.north east);
\draw[ultra thick] (mat-5-1.north west) -- (mat-5-6.north east);

% vertical rules
\draw[ultra thick] (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-8-1.south west);
\foreach \col in {2,3,4,5}
{  \draw (mat-5-\col.north west) -- (mat-8-\col.south west);
    \draw[dash pattern=on 2pt off 1.5pt] (mat-2-\col.north west) -- (mat-5-\col.south west);
%\draw[dashed] (mat-2-5.north west) -- (mat-5-5.south west);

% The labels
\node at (mat-1-3) {Firm Infrastructure};
\node[fill=white] at (mat-2-3) {Human Resources Management};
\node[fill=white] at (mat-3-3) {Technology Development};
\node[fill=white,inner xsep=8pt] at (mat-4-3) {Procurement};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-1) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Inbound Logistics}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-2) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Operations \\\mbox{}}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-3) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Outbound Logistics}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-4) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Marketing \& Sales}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-5) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Service \\\mbox{}}};
\node[rotate = 90] at ([xshift=-52pt]mat-3-1.north) {SUPPORT ACTIVITIES};
\node at ([yshift=-19pt,xshift=-0.5cm]mat-8-3.south) {PRIMARY ACTIVITIES};

% Erase some visible lines outside the arrow
\fill[white] (mat-1-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-1-6.north east) -- cycle;

% Draw the arrow tip
\draw[fill=white,draw=black,ultra thick] (mat-1-5.north) -- (mat-5-6.north) -- (mat-8-5.south) -- (mat-8-5.east|-mat-8-5.south east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-1-5.east|-mat-1-5.north west) -- cycle;

% The slanted "Margin" labels
\begin{scope}[decoration={markings,mark=at position .5 with \node[transform shape] {Margin};}]
  ( $ (mat-1-5.north)!0.5!(mat-1-5.north east) $ ) -- ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ );
  ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ ) -- ( $ (mat-8-5.south)!0.5!(mat-8-5.south east) $ );

% The braces
  (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-5-1.north west);
  (mat-8-1.south west) -- (mat-8-5.south);






  matrix of nodes,
  row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
  column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
  nodes={rectangle,text width=2cm,align=center},
  text depth=1.25ex,
  text height=2.5ex,
  nodes in empty cells}


\matrix (mat) [table]
|[fill=colfour]| & |[fill=colfour]| & |[fill=colfour]| & |[fill=colfour]| & |[fill=colfour]| &  \\
|[fill=colfive]| & |[fill=colfive]| & |[fill=colfive]| & |[fill=colfive]| & |[fill=colfive]| &  \\
|[fill=colsix]| & |[fill=colsix]| & |[fill=colsix]| & |[fill=colsix]| & |[fill=colsix]| & |[fill=colsix]| \\
|[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| \\
|[fill=colone]| & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colthree]| & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colone]| & |[fill=colone]|  \\
|[fill=colone]| & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colthree]| & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colone]| & |[fill=colone]|  \\
|[fill=colone]| & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colthree]| & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colone]| & \\
|[fill=colone]| & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colthree]| & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colone]| &  \\

% horizontal rules
\foreach \row in {2,3,4}
  \draw[white] (mat-\row-1.north west) -- (mat-\row-6.north east);
\draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-1-6.north east);
\draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-5-1.north west) -- (mat-5-6.north east);

% vertical rules
\foreach \col in {2,3,4,5}
  \draw[white] (mat-5-\col.north west) -- (mat-8-\col.south west);

% The labels
\node[fill=colfour] at (mat-1-3) {Firm Infrastructure};
\node[fill=colfive] at (mat-2-3) {Human Resources Management};
\node[fill=colsix] at (mat-3-3) {Technology Development};
\node[fill=colseven] at (mat-4-3) {Procurement};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-1) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Inbound Logistics}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-2) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Operations \\\mbox{}}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-3) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Outbound Logistics}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-4) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Marketing \& Sales}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-5) {\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering Service \\\mbox{}}};
\node[rotate = 90] at ([xshift=-52pt]mat-3-1.north) {SUPPORT ACTIVITIES};
\node at ([yshift=-19pt,xshift=-0.5cm]mat-8-3.south) {PRIMARY ACTIVITIES};

% Erase some visible lines outside the arrow
\fill[white] (mat-1-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-1-6.north east) -- cycle;
\fill[white] (mat-8-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-8-6.north east) -- cycle;

% Draw the arrow tip
\shade[top color=colfour!70,bottom color=colfour!70,middle color=colseven,draw=white,ultra thick] 
  (mat-1-5.north) -- (mat-5-6.north) -- (mat-8-5.south) -- 
  (mat-8-5.south east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-8-5.south east) -- 
  (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-1-5.north east) -- cycle;

% The slanted "Margin" labels
\begin{scope}[decoration={markings,mark=at position .5 with \node[transform shape] {Margin};}]
  ( $ (mat-1-5.north)!0.5!(mat-1-5.north east) $ ) -- ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ );
  ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ ) -- ( $ (mat-8-5.south)!0.5!(mat-8-5.south east) $ );

% The braces
  (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-5-1.north west);
  (mat-8-1.south west) -- (mat-8-5.south);


