使标题显示章节标题,而不是 tufte-book 中的书名

使标题显示章节标题,而不是 tufte-book 中的书名

我正在用 tufte-book 创建一本编辑卷\documentclass。每一章都由不同的作者撰写。






\title{Machiavelli and Pluralism}
\author{Rod Johnson}
\publisher{Interdisciplinary Institute}

\definecolor{Ahrenge}{RGB}{214, 88, 18}
%\setmainfont{Linux Libertine}
%\setsansfont{Linux Libertine}







\chapter{Machiavelli and Pluralism}

\ding{96} \chapterauthor{Rod Johnson, BYU}


Machiavelli’s cardinal achievement is his uncovering of an insoluble dilemma, the planting of a permanent question mark in the path of posterity. It stems from his \emph{de facto} recognition that ends equally ultimate, equally sacred, may contradict each other, that entire systems of value may come into collision without possibility of rational arbitration, and that not merely in exceptional circumstances, as a result of abnormality or accident or error—the clash of Antigone and Creon or in the story of Tristan—but (this was surely new) as part of the \href{http://www.google.com}{\textbf{normal human situation}}.\sidenote{Johnson, Rod. \emph{A Machiavellian Pluralism}. New York: NYU P, 2010.}


