\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X}
\textbf{Greetings} & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs \\
\textbf{Gift Giving} & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration. \\
\textbf{Dressing} & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
\textbf{Tipping} & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used. \\
\textbf{Time Management} & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness.
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}>{\bfseries}l X@{}}
Greetings & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs \\
Gift Giving & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration. \\
Dressing & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
Tipping & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used. \\
Time Management & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness. \\
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}>{\bfseries\raggedright}p{5em} X@{}}% \raggedright because justified text in such a narrow column is not good
Greetings & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs \\
Gift Giving & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration. \\
Dressing & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
Tipping & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used. \\
Time Management & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness. \\
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}>{\bfseries\raggedright\hsize=.4\hsize}X >{\hsize=1.6\hsize}X@{}}
Greetings & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs \\
Gift Giving & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration. \\
Dressing & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
Tipping & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used. \\
Time Management & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness. \\
\lipsum*[1] & \lipsum*[1]
\settowidth{\first}{\textbf{Time Management }}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{p{\first} X}
\textbf{Greetings} & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs \\
\textbf{Gift Giving} & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration. \\
\textbf{Dressing} & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
\textbf{Tipping} & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used. \\
\textbf{Time Management} & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness.
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X!{\vrule width -3cm} X}
\textbf{Greetings} & Refer to counter parts as Mr., Ms. or Mrs \\
\textbf{Gift Giving} & Gift giving is practised but not necessary. Taking someone out is also considered a gift. Gifts are generally given to close a deal or to indicate some celebration. \\
\textbf{Dressing} & Business dressing is a must in the business place. It is recommended that one dresses more conservatively than their counterpart. In the east this a must but in the west, the dressing is relatively casual. \\
\textbf{Tipping} & Tipping not necessary but if the service is good then it should be used. \\
\textbf{Time Management} & Time is extremely important in America. Therefore, it is important that one arrives on time. Do not be surprised if the client is discontent due one's tardiness.
您可以将 -3cm 设置为您想要的任何值。