在 Sweave 输出上涂鸦

在 Sweave 输出上涂鸦

这可能无法做到这一点,但我想知道是否有办法在 LaTeX 输出之上涂鸦,或者在我的情况下在 Sweave 输出之上涂鸦。


正常输出 带涂鸦的输出

\node[right,text width=11.7cm,rounded corners,fill=blue!20,inner sep=1ex]{
\textbf{EXERCISE \ex}
Let's create a random sample of 10 smaller case letters from the alphabet as follows:
test.letters <- sample(letters,10)
\item Create a factor out of this vector and inspect it.
\item What do you notice when inspecting the given levels of this factor?
\item How can you make sure that the whole alphabet is taken into account in the levels? \end{enumerate}


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\title[Intro to R \theframenumber]{An Introduction to the R Statistical Environment}
\author{Joanne Demmler}
\institute[Swansea University]{CIPHER\\ College of Medicine}
\date{5th of June 2013 \\{\tiny Version 1.2}}

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\frametitle{Vector exercises}

\node[right,text width=11.7cm,rounded corners,fill=blue!20,inner sep=1ex]{
\textbf{EXERCISE \ex}
Let's create a random sample of 10 smaller case letters from the alphabet as follows:
> test.letters <- sample(letters,10)
    \item Create a factor out of this vector and inspect it.
    \item What do you notice when inspecting the given levels of this factor?
    \item How can you make sure that the whole alphabet is taken into account in the levels?


LYX 示例:

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\title[Intro to R \theframenumber]{An Introduction to the R Statistical Environment}
\author{Joanne Demmler}
\institute[Swansea University]{CIPHER\\ College of Medicine}
\date{5th of June 2013 \\{\tiny Version 1.2}}

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Vector exercises



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node[right,text width=11.7cm,rounded corners,fill=blue!20,inner sep=1ex]{

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\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

Let's create a random sample of 10 smaller case letters from the alphabet
 as follows:

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

test.letters <- sample(letters,10)

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

item Create a factor out of this vector and inspect it.

\begin_layout Plain Layout

item What do you notice when inspecting the given levels of this factor?

\begin_layout Plain Layout

item How can you make sure that the whole alphabet is taken into account
 in the levels?

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout




您发布的 LyX 文件在这里不起作用,但看起来您的tikzpicture环境处于 ERT 中。通过添加更多 TikZ 代码,您可以做很多事情,包括图像中的椭圆和文本。这种方法可能有点不切实际,因为您必须尝试多次才能正确获取添加的位置和大小。


 \node (block) [right, ...

该节点现在将被命名为block,我们可以使用它的角作为坐标,并相对于该角放置东西。在这里,我简单地使用xshiftyshift来相对于左下角放置东西。(另一种方法可能是使用与我在 中描述的类似的技术使用矩形覆盖突出显示表格行

\draw [red,very thick] ([xshift=3.55cm,yshift=3.65cm]block.south west) circle[x radius=.7cm,y radius=.3cm];
\node [red,right] at ([xshift=3.25cm,yshift=4.2cm]block.south west) {random sample and permutations, see \texttt{> ?sample}};

\draw [blue,very thick] ([xshift=4.9cm,yshift=3.65cm]block.south west) circle[x radius=.7cm,y radius=.3cm];
\node [blue,right] at ([xshift=3.9cm,yshift=3cm]block.south west) {26 lower case letters of the Roman alphabet};

这些线画出椭圆(注意和的\draw不同。正如您可能猜到的,是左下角,是该角右侧 3.25 厘米处和上方 4.2 厘米处的点。x radiusy radiuscircleblock.south west([xshift=3.25cm,yshift=4.2cm]block.south west)


\node (block) [right,text width=11.7cm,rounded corners,fill=blue!20,inner sep=1ex]  {
\textbf{EXERCISE 1}
Let's create a random sample of 10 smaller case letters from the alphabet as follows:
test.letters <- sample(letters,10)
\item Create a factor out of this vector and inspect it.
\item What do you notice when inspecting the given levels of this factor?
\item How can you make sure that the whole alphabet is taken into account in the levels? \end{enumerate}

\draw [red,very thick] ([xshift=3.55cm,yshift=3.65cm]block.south west) circle[x radius=.7cm,y radius=.3cm];
\node [red,right] at ([xshift=3.25cm,yshift=4.2cm]block.south west) {random sample and permutations, see \texttt{> ?sample}};

\draw [blue,very thick] ([xshift=4.9cm,yshift=3.65cm]block.south west) circle[x radius=.7cm,y radius=.3cm];
\node [blue,right] at ([xshift=3.9cm,yshift=3cm]block.south west) {26 lower case letters of the Roman alphabet};

