使用 algorithmicx 对算法进行标题编号分解

使用 algorithmicx 对算法进行标题编号分解


Breaking up an algorithm with algorithmicx


\caption{Part 1}
\Procedure {BellmanKalaba}{$G$, $u$, $l$, $p$}
\ForAll {$v \in V(G)$}
\State $l(v) \leftarrow \infty$
\State $l(u) \leftarrow 0$
\For {$i \leftarrow 1, n$}
\State $min \leftarrow l(v_i)$
\For {$j \leftarrow 1, n$}
\If {$min > e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$}
\State $min \leftarrow e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$
\State \Comment For some reason we need to break here!
And we need to put some additional text between\dots
\caption{Part 2}
\State $p(i) \leftarrow v_j$
\State $l’(i) \leftarrow min$
\State $changed \leftarrow l \not= l’$
\State $l \leftarrow l’$
\Until{$\neg changed$}

很容易注意到,两段代码之间的标题编号是递增的(第一段代码为算法 3,第二段代码为算法 4)。此外,是否可以为两段代码使用相同的编号?如果可以,我该怎么做?




之前。另一个选项是使用包中的 默认标题\caption{Part 2}格式,它不需要手动更改计数器,而且还可以让您为后续算法使用自定义格式。以下是默认标题格式的示例:\ContinuedFloatcaption\ContinuedFloat

\caption{Part 1}
\Procedure {BellmanKalaba}{$G$, $u$, $l$, $p$}
\ForAll {$v \in V(G)$}
\State $l(v) \leftarrow \infty$
\State $l(u) \leftarrow 0$
\For {$i \leftarrow 1, n$}
\State $min \leftarrow l(v_i)$
\For {$j \leftarrow 1, n$}
\If {$min > e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$}
\State $min \leftarrow e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$
\State \Comment For some reason we need to break here!
And we need to put some additional text between\dots
\caption{Part 2}
\State $p(i) \leftarrow v_j$
\State $l’(i) \leftarrow min$
\State $changed \leftarrow l \not= l’$
\State $l \leftarrow l’$
\Until{$\neg changed$}

enter image description here



\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{algcontinued}{\ALG@name~#2 (Continued)}

\caption{Part 1}
\Procedure {BellmanKalaba}{$G$, $u$, $l$, $p$}
\ForAll {$v \in V(G)$}
\State $l(v) \leftarrow \infty$
\State $l(u) \leftarrow 0$
\For {$i \leftarrow 1, n$}
\State $min \leftarrow l(v_i)$
\For {$j \leftarrow 1, n$}
\If {$min > e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$}
\State $min \leftarrow e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$
\State \Comment For some reason we need to break here!
And we need to put some additional text between\dots
\caption{Part 2}
\State $p(i) \leftarrow v_j$
\State $l’(i) \leftarrow min$
\State $changed \leftarrow l \not= l’$
\State $l \leftarrow l’$
\Until{$\neg changed$}

enter image description here






%%% add the following two lines if hyperref is used

\caption{Part 1}
\Procedure {BellmanKalaba}{$G$, $u$, $l$, $p$}
\ForAll {$v \in V(G)$}
\State $l(v) \leftarrow \infty$
\State $l(u) \leftarrow 0$
\For {$i \leftarrow 1, n$}
\State $min \leftarrow l(v_i)$
\For {$j \leftarrow 1, n$}
\If {$min > e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$}
\State $min \leftarrow e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$
\State \Comment For some reason we need to break here!
And we need to put some additional text between\dots
\caption{Part 2}
\State $p(i) \leftarrow v_j$
\State $l’(i) \leftarrow min$
\State $changed \leftarrow l \not= l’$
\State $l \leftarrow l’$
\Until{$\neg changed$}
