mulitcol 包可以帮你解决这个问题。
\parskip 1ex
Here is the short text that accompanies my figure.
\parskip 1ex
\parbox[b]{.5\textwidth}{Here is the short text that accompanies my
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.
Here is the long text that accompanies my figure.