ToC 列标题中的条件间距

ToC 列标题中的条件间距


我的大学对论文的格式要求很奇怪(我知道,不是吗?)。特别是,在目录中,他们希望章节/章节、章节/节和节/章节之间的间距为半倍行距,但他们希望所有其他间距为单倍行距。这并不难解决(有一些出色的 stackexchange 解决方案)。但是,他们还希望“Page”一词出现在目录的每一页的页码列上方,并且他们希望它以半倍行距分隔,这是有问题的部分。

为了解决这个问题,我利用了一些基于tocloft、和的 stackexchange 解决方案etoolbox以及setspace一些\preto用于格式化目录的命令,然后使用该atbegshi包将“页面”放在每页的页面列顶部。问题是,由于间距处理方式,如果某个部分位于页面顶部,则“页面”仅由一个空格分隔。




  % if this is the first section in a chapter, then add extra space to the ToC
  % to make it appear 1.5 spacing.

  % add space before chapter lines in the ToC to make it appear 1.5 spacing.

    % zero out the space tocloft puts before chapters

    % add leader dots for chapters
    % make chapter and corresponding page appear in normal font
    % prepend ``CHAPTER'' to the chapter name in the ToC

    % add some space between ``Page'' and the ToC line in the ToC (make it appear
    % onehalfspacing). Then add the ToC line to the ToC
    \addtocontents{toc}{\vskip 6pt}
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}

    % generate a name for the ToC
    \renewcommand\contentsname{\normalfont} {\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}

    % put ``Page'' above the page column on the first page of the ToC
    \renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitle}{\hfill{\normalfont { Page}}}

    % put ``Page'' above the page column on all subsequent pages of the ToC
    % the build the ToC


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显然,我需要 10 点声誉才能发布输出的图像,但通过检查第 2 页的顶部与输出的第 1 页或第 3 页的比较就可以看到问题。

我尝试使用该afterpage包在目录中设置一个布尔值。这个想法是后续的 \preto 命令可以使用布尔值来确定是否需要在页面顶部插入空格。这几乎成功了,只是插入的空格总是出现在它应该出现的位置的两行以下。以下是修改后的代码:



% generate a bool for tracking when a newpage occures in the ToC
      % If NewPage is true, then set it to false and insert spacing
      % turn on the NewPage bool after the end of a page
  % if this is the first section in a chapter, then add extra space to the ToC
  % to make it appear 1.5 spacing.
  % add space before chapter lines in the ToC to make it appear 1.5 spacing.
      % unflag NewPage
      % turn on the NewPage bool after the end of a page

    % zero out the space tocloft puts before chapters

    % add leader dots for chapters
    % make chapter and corresponding page appear in normal font
    % prepend ``CHAPTER'' to the chapter name in the ToC

    % add some space between ``Page'' and the ToC line in the ToC (make it appear
    % onehalfspacing). Then add the ToC line to the ToC
    \addtocontents{toc}{\vskip 6pt}
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}

    % generate a name for the ToC
    \renewcommand\contentsname{\normalfont} {\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}

    % put ``Page'' above the page column on the first page of the ToC
    \renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitle}{\hfill{\normalfont { Page}}}

    % put ``Page'' above the page column on all subsequent pages of the ToC
    % the build the ToC


  \chapter{A Chapter}
  \chapter{A Chapter}
    \section{A Section}
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新的间距问题出现在第 2 页。

我认为这里的问题是afterpage缓冲部分输出(在本例中是下一页的前两行),然后执行 afterpage 命令。结果是在 afterpage 设置布尔值之前,缓冲部分的条件表达式被扩展和评估。我看了看,afterpage.sty希望扩展包以允许手动转储此缓冲区,但我无法在那里取得任何进展。



如果有人感兴趣的话,我已经设计了一个解决上述问题的方法。我设法避开了必须使用afterpagefancyhdr包有条件地向 ToC 添加空间的问题。以下是该解决方案的一个最小工作示例:



  \setlength{\headsep}{\dimexpr 12pt}
  \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setlength{\textheight}{\dimexpr \textheight-36pt}}

  % if this is the first section in a chapter, then add extra space to the ToC
  % to make it appear 1.5 spacing.

    % remove default skip (pt size) and then add on 1.5 (resp. 2.0) the pt size to get a one and a
    % half spacing (resp. double spacing)

  % add space before chapter lines in the ToC to make it appear 1.5 spacing.

    % zero out the space tocloft puts before chapters

    % add leader dots for chapters
    % make chapter and corresponding page appear in normal font
    % prepend ``CHAPTER'' to the chapter name in the ToC

    % add some space between ``Page'' and the ToC line in the ToC (make it appear
    % onehalfspacing). Then add the ToC line to the ToC
    \addtocontents{toc}{\vskip 6pt}
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}

    % generate a name for the ToC
    \renewcommand\contentsname{\normalfont} {\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}

    % put ``Page'' above the page column on the first page of the ToC
    \renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitle}{\hfill{\normalfont { Page}}}

    % put ``Page'' above the page column on all subsequent pages of the ToC
    % the build the ToC


  \chapter{A Chapter}
  \chapter{A Chapter}
    \section{A Section}
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    \section{A Section}
  \chapter{A Chapter}
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比较问题中第一个 MMWE 的第二页:


使用来自此 MMWE 的输出的第二页:


我仍然非常有兴趣了解afterpage我发布的第一个解决方案出了什么问题,例如,为什么 afterpage 空格出现在应该出现的两行之后。
