tt 字体的数学符号

tt 字体的数学符号




\texttt{\tbl a[1],t\tbr\texttimes\tbl t,a[1]\tbr}






\MTnonlettersobeymathxx     % math alphabets will act on (, ), [, ], etc...
\MTexplicitbracesobeymathxx % math alphabets will act on \{ and \}
\MTfamily {\ttdefault}      % we will declare a math version using tt font
\Mathastext [typewriter]    % the math version is called typewriter


So far everything is normal $ (a^n +b^n)[c^m +d^m] = \left<x_i + y_j\right>$.
Indeed, we are here in the \emph{subdued} mode of mathastext. 

Let's see the effect of \string\mathtt\ or \string\mathrm\ or \string\mathbf:

\[ \mathtt{ (a^n +b^n)[c^m +d^m] = \left<x_i + y_j\right>}\]

\[ \mathrm{ (a^n +b^n)[c^m +d^m] = \left<x_i + y_j\right>}\]

\[ \mathbf{ (a^n +b^n)[c^m +d^m] = \left<x_i + y_j\right>}\]

You should compare with a document not loading mathastext, and you will see
there that the math alphabet commands do not act on parentheses, etc... 

I must dwelve on a subtelty: in the \emph{subdued} mode, the \string\mathrm,
etc.. commands are not modified by \texttt{mathastext}: it defines altered
variants \string\Mathrm, etc... but does not identify the original with the new.
For some matters of font encoding, it is the variants which should be used (the
problem didn't show in the examples above, but it was just lucky):

\[ \Mathtt{\{a[1],t\}\times\{t,a[2]\}} \]

\[ \Mathbf{\{a[1],t\}\times\{t,a[2]\}} \]

\texttt{mathastext} has limited influence: we see that the \string\times{}
symbol is not affected. We now will switch to the typewriter math version using
the command \string\MTversion \{typewriter\}. In this math version, we are not
in \emph{subdued} mode anymore, and the lowercase form of the math alphabets can
be used directly. \MTversion {typewriter}
\[ (a^n +b^n)[c^m +d^m] = \left<x_i + y_j\right>\]
\[ \{a[1],t\}\times\{t,a[2]\} \]
\[ \mathit{\{a[1],t\}\times\{t,a[2]\}} \]
By default the text font is also modified. Perhaps we
don't want that, so we issue \string\MTversion [normal]\{typewriter\}.\MTversion
[normal]{typewriter} This way the text font is not affected. But the math is
automatically in typewriter font (not the delimiters though):

\[ (a^n +b^n)[c^m +d^m] = \left<x_i + y_j\right>\]

The idea of the math version is to typeset only portions of the code with the
desired fonts for the letters and simple symbols in math. We return to the
normal situation with \string\MTversion \{normal\}. Here it is:
\MTversion {normal}
\[ (a^n +b^n)[c^m +d^m] = \left<x_i + y_j\right>\]

Because we switched back to the subdued version, we have to explicitely
reactivate the action of the math alphabets on the non letters (from the ascii
range), with 
and \string\MTexplicitbracesobeymathxx{}




And I was careful to use \string\Mathtt{} and \string\Mathit, not
\string\mathtt{} or \string\mathit.  


以下是没有使用 mathastext 的数学字母表的效果:

