TikZ:添加到椭圆 2 的法线和切向量

TikZ:添加到椭圆 2 的法线和切向量

Tikz:曲线的单位切向量,Jake 帮助为椭圆添加了切向量。然而,在那道题中,椭圆的半长轴和短轴与 x 轴和 y 轴成一线。

在这个问题中TikZ:通过两点绘制椭圆,Percusse 帮助构建了一个随机椭圆弧,我在这里使用的就是这个。所以我们不知道半长轴和短轴的排列。也许我们可以找到它的旋转,但我100%还没有找到。

在缺乏这些信息的情况下,我的问题是如何向以 结束的路径添加法线和切线向量P2




    dot/.style = {outer sep = +0pt, inner sep = +0pt, shape = circle, draw = black, label = {#1}},
    small dot/.style = {minimum size = 1pt, dot = {#1}},
    big dot/.style = {minimum size = 2pt, dot = {#1}},
    line join = round, line cap = round, >=triangle 45
    \node[ fill = black, big dot = {below: \(F\)}] (F) at (0, 0) {};
    \node[ fill = black, big dot = {below: \(P_1\)}] (P1)  at (2, 0) {};
    \node[ fill = black, big dot = {above right=.25cm:\(P_2\)}] (P2) at (-2, 2) {};    

    \begin{scope}[decoration = {markings,
        mark = at position 0.5 with {\arrow{>}}
      \clip (2, 0) -- (-2, 0) -- (-2, 4) -- (2, 4) -- cycle;
      \draw[name path global = ellp, postaction = decorate] let
        \p0 = ($(P2) - (F)$),
        \p1 = ($(P1) - (P2)$)
      in (P2|-P1) ++ (\x1, 0) arc (0:100: \x1 and \y0);                                         

\path[name path = aux1] (P2) circle [radius = 1bp];
\draw[name intersections = {of = ellp and aux1}, -latex] (P2) --






(P2) -- ($(P2)!0.75cm!-90:($(intersection-2)!.75cm!(intersection-1)$)$)

  \documentclass[tikz, border=5mm]{standalone}
  \usetikzlibrary{arrows,calc, decorations.markings, intersections}


    dot/.style = {outer sep = +0pt, inner sep = +0pt, shape = circle, draw = black, label = {#1}},
    small dot/.style = {minimum size = 1pt, dot = {#1}},
    big dot/.style = {minimum size = 2pt, dot = {#1}},
    line join = round, line cap = round, >=triangle 45
    \node[ fill = black, big dot = {below: \(F\)}] (F) at (0, 0) {};
    \node[ fill = black, big dot = {below: \(P_1\)}] (P1)  at (2, 0) {};
    \node[ fill = black, big dot = {above right=.25cm:\(P_2\)}] (P2) at (-2, 2) {};    

    \begin{scope}[decoration = {markings,
        mark = at position 0.5 with {\arrow{>}}
      \clip (2, 0) -- (-2, 0) -- (-2, 4) -- (2, 4) -- cycle;
      \draw[name path global = ellp, postaction = decorate] let
        \p0 = ($(P2) - (F)$),
        \p1 = ($(P1) - (P2)$)
      in (P2|-P1) ++ (\x1, 0) arc (0:100: \x1 and \y0);                                         

\path[name path = aux1] (P2) circle [radius = 1bp];
\draw[name intersections = {of = ellp and aux1}, -latex] (P2) --
\draw [-latex] (P2) --

