如何在打印 Latex Beamer Notes 时仅处理覆盖层

如何在打印 Latex Beamer Notes 时仅处理覆盖层



我的意思是,在第二张幻灯片上,我有三张不同的 tikz 图片。这里我没有包含节点 (0,0) 上的图片。在我的幻灯片中,我使用了图片。那么,我怎样才能在同一页上打印这三张图片?在其他情况下,一些文本也不适合幻灯片。我希望现在更容易理解了。






    visible on/.style={alt=#1{}{invisible}},
    alt/.code args={<#1>#2#3}{%
      \alt<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}{\pgfkeysalso{#3}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path



\definecolor{uibred}{RGB}{170, 0, 0}
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\definecolor{uibgreen}{RGB}{119, 175, 0}
%\definecolor{uibgreen}{RGB}{50, 105, 0}
\definecolor{uiborange}{RGB}{217, 89, 0}

%% Create a new command called redub for underbraces

%Beamer block template

\setbeamercolor{block title}{bg=uibblue,fg=white}
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{fg=white,bg=green}




\defbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{mycircle}
  %\usebeamerfont*{item projected}%
  %\usebeamercolor[bg]{item projected}%
{\setbeamerfont{item projected}{size=\scriptsize}}
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% {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{slide_bg1}}


    \frametitle{Eulerian Salt Flux Decomposition}

        \item Subtidal Volume discharge rate $Q_f$: through a cross=section A  \\
        $Q_f = \langle\int u.dA \rangle$
        \item Salt transport rate $F_s$ through a cross-section A \\
        $F_s = \langle \int uS.dA \rangle$
        \onslide<2->Sub-tidal salt flux decomposed into three parts 

        F  & = \langle \int(u_0+u_E+U_T)(s_0+s_E+s_T)dA \rangle \\
            & \approx \langle \int(u_0s_0+u_Es_E+u_Ts_T)dA \rangle \\
            & = \redub{Q_fs_0}{\mathclap{\text{     River flow     }}} + 
             \redub{F_E}{\substack{\text{Exchange}\\\text{shear dispersion}}} + 
             \redub{F_T}{\substack{\text{tidal osciallatory}\\\text{salt transport}}}

        \item $u_0$ and $s_0$ tidally and cross-sectionally averaged
        \item $u_E$ and $s_E$ tidally averaged and cross-sectionally varying 
        \item $u_T$ and $s_T$ tidally and cross-sectionally varying


\frametitle{Age of Water under dye from all Rivers}

        \node [](0,0)(start){ hello2};
%       \draw [step=0.5cm,thin,dotted] (-5,-4) grid(5,4);
%       \node [circle]at (-4.5,0){0};
%       \node [circle,radius=0.9cm,fill=red!30,] at (-4.5,0)(a){};
        \draw [red,fill=red!30](-4.3,-0.2)circle(0.1cm);
        \draw [red,fill=red!30](-3.3,0)circle(0.1cm);
        \draw [red,fill=red!30](-2.5,-0.7)circle(0.1cm);
        \draw [red,fill=red!30](-4.,-0.8)circle(0.1cm);
        \draw [red,fill=red!30](-4.,-1.2)circle(0.1cm);
        \draw [red,fill=red!30](4.3,1.6)circle(0.1cm);
        \draw [red,fill=red!30](3.3,2.7)circle(0.1cm);
        \draw [red,fill=red!30](1.6,3.5)circle(0.1cm);
        \draw [red,fill=red!30](1.3,3.5)circle(0.1cm);      
        \node [rectangle,text width=4cm,red] at (5.5,3) (return) {$Q_2 = 169 A^{0.616}$     \linebreak Mason et. al. 1998};
        \node [rectangle,text width=4cm,red,visible on =<2->] at (5,0) (return) {Smaller near the source     \linebreak Increases away from the source};
        \draw [red,visible on =<3->](-3.3,-1.5) circle(0.7cm);%wolf bay small age

        \node [](0,0)(start){hello1};
%   \draw [step=0.5,dotted](-5,-4) grid (5,4);
     \node [rectangle,text width=4cm,red] at (5,0) (return) {Scale different from    \linebreak 2 year inflows};
     \node [rectangle, text width =4cm, red,visible on =<5->] at (5,-2) {Maximum age of 120 days};
     \draw [red] (1.5,-1) ellipse(1cm and 0.6cm);
     \node [rectangle, text width=4cm, red] at (5,3) {Minimum 7 day flow over 10 yr. interval};

        \node [](0,0)(start){hello};
        \node [rectangle, text width=4cm, red, visible on =<7->] at (5,3) {Mean inflows over 10 yr. interval};




在指定叠加选项时,您可以添加选项handout:<number>。例如,\only<1-3| handout:1>{content-1}将打印content-1出现在第 1 至第 3 帧中的作为讲义第一页的内容;\only<4-5| handout:2>{content-2}将打印content-2出现在第 4 和第 5 帧中的作为讲义第二页的内容;并将\only<6-| handout:0>{content-3}指示 beamer 不要打印出现在第 6 帧及以后的内容。请注意,和content-3之间需要一个空格。|handout

