软件包 biblatex 和子文件在子文件中不起作用

软件包 biblatex 和子文件在子文件中不起作用

我正在尝试使用biber和打包subfile。感谢社区,我设法让它在主文件中运行。请参见此处: 使用子文件时的参考书目


 ! Package biblatex Error: File '05-Introduction.bbl' not created by biblatex.
See the biblatex package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.3 \begin{document}
This file was apparently not created by biblatex. Rename it or
move it to a location were TeX will not find it. If this error
persists, consider redefining \blxauxsuffix.See the biblatex
manual for details.



我正在运行 64 位 Windows 7,其中 MiKTeX 2.9、TeXmaker 4、jabref 2.9 Texmaker 和 bib 数据库均采用 UTF8 编码。

我已经花了 1.5 天的时间来使其工作,但只剩下最后一点了。
