用引用键替换?和/或在 natbib 中列出未解析的参考文献?

用引用键替换?和/或在 natbib 中列出未解析的参考文献?

我对未解析的引用有疑问(我正在使用纳特比布和 pdflatex/bibtex) 以及打印的默认行为(?)。我想要的是以下内容:

  1. 替换(?)(citation-key)(仅适用于缺失的参考),以及
  2. 缺失引用键的列表将被打印在生成的 PDF 中的某个位置(例如,在参考列表的开头)。



%\usepackage{showkeys} % not what I'm looking for



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris vel sem id nulla cursus vulputate at et erat \citep{Author2001}.
Nunc rutrum nibh lorem, eget posuere nibh sollicitudin vitae \citep{Author1993}.



Package natbib Warning: Citation `Author2001' on page 1 undefined on input line



  1. 找出那些不在参考文献列表中的参考文献。(本题未问。)
  2. 找出那些没有被引用的参考文献。
  3. 用引用键替换缺失的参考文献(?)。
%\usepackage{showkeys} % not what I'm looking for

      \expandafter\ifx\csname bbl@\xx\endcsname\relax%
        \expandafter\gdef\csname bbl@\xx\endcsname{0}%
      \expandafter\ifx\csname BBL@\xx\endcsname\relax%
   \expandafter\gdef\csname BBL@#1\endcsname{0}%
   \expandafter\ifx\csname bbl@#1\endcsname\relax% Not cited
       {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}\def\NAT@date{}}%
               {Multiple citation on page \thepage: same authors and
               year\MessageBreak without distinguishing extra
               letter,\MessageBreak appears as question mark}\fi
     \fi \NAT@def@citea
               {Multiple citation on page \thepage: same authors and
               year\MessageBreak without distinguishing extra
               letter,\MessageBreak appears as question mark}\fi



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris vel sem id nulla cursus vulputate at et erat \citep{Author2001}.
Nunc rutrum nibh lorem, eget posuere nibh sollicitudin vitae \citep{Author2001,Author1993}.
Nunc rutrum nibh lorem, eget posuere nibh sollicitudin vitae \citep{Author1993}.

\noindent\fbox{Keys not in reference list: \biblostkeys} % Keys which are not in reference list

\bibitem[Author(2001)]{Author2001} Author (2001).

%not cited
\bibitem[Author(2004)]{Author2004} Author (2004).

%not cited
\bibitem[Author(2005)]{Author2005} Author (2005).


\noindent\fbox{Keys not cited in text: \refnotcalled} % Keys which are not cited in text


