

我有一个纯文本文档,我想将其转换为 LaTeX。该文档不是典型的文本文档,而是一个定义列表,包括一些简短的序言和可选的“后脸”


3.2.5                          SOME TITLE 1

                            (Some sub title 1)

   This is an  introduction and a short  text describing the list that follows.
It has some words other words and more words that together is sentences. It has
some words other  words and more words  that together is sentences. It has some 
words other words and more words that together is sentences.  Finally it contin-
ues on and on for a bit. Then after a while it ends.

op3r   Indicates that the operand has three regular indicators defining the dest-
       ination for the long run in the alternate universe.

dym    Follows that the dinner was late.

flux, k3, k4, yz, az
       Property of the beholder is foreseen by the old definition referred by a
       longer run for the start point logged by the initiator.

   Some text after the list that few read but all should. It is the key to solve 
many a question related to the way of deciphering  the meaning of the quirks and

3.2.6                          SOME TITLE 2

                            (Some sub title 2)

   Another introduction and list of definitions.

每个定义列表约占 1 - 4 页。


我的问题是,在 LaTeX 文档中组织这些内容的最佳方式是什么。是否有一些用于此类定义列表的软件包?我也很有可能将其扩展为包括一般文本未来的章节。



\section{SOME TITLE 1}

\emph{(Some subtitle 1)}

This is an  introduction and a short  text describing the list that follows.
It has some words other words and more words that together is sentences. It has
some words other  words and more words  that together is sentences. It has some 
words other words and more words that together is sentences.  Finally it contin-
ues on and on for a bit. Then after a while it ends.

\begin{tabularx}{1\textwidth}{ l X }
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{op3r}  \\
    & Indicates that the operand has three regular indicators defining the
destination for the long run in the alternate universe. \\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{dym}  \\
    & Follows that the dinner was late. \\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{flux, k3, k4, yz, az} \\
    & Property of the beholder is foreseen by the old definition referred 
by a longer run for the start point logged by the initiator.

Some text after the list that few read but all should. It is the key to solve 
many a question related to the way of deciphering  the meaning of the quirks and






\usepackage{enumitem}% http://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem

This is an  introduction and a short  text describing the list that follows.
It has some words other words and more words that together is sentences. It has
some words other  words and more words  that together is sentences. It has some 
words other words and more words that together is sentences.  Finally it contin-
ues on and on for a bit. Then after a while it ends.

\begin{description}[font=\sffamily\bfseries, leftmargin=1cm, style=nextline]
    Indicates that the operand has three regular indicators defining the dest-
    ination for the long run in the alternate universe.
    Follows that the dinner was late.
  \item[flux, k3, k4, yz, az]
    Property of the beholder is foreseen by the old definition referred by a
    longer run for the start point logged by the initiator.

Some text after the list that few read but all should. It is the key to solve 
many a question related to the way of deciphering  the meaning of the quirks and


