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\speak{The Researcher} If you were a teacher, how would you teach physics?
A few seconds of silence
\speak{The Researcher} Have you ever thought, ugh this is boring, I wish it were more like this…
\speak{Student 1} It would probably be more experiment-oriented. I would conduct more experiments.
\speak{Student 2} I would just write on the board like the usual.
\speak{Student 1} Because when it is visual… I would choose to teach using experiments because since experiments are visual they are better able to maintain students’ attention.
\speak{Student 3} I would probably use analogies, you know like with electromagnetic waves. Or mechanics perhaps. I don’t know which type of wave sound waves are at the present, like those that require a medium or those that do not, I would say something like, I would tell them for instance to consider sound, is sound mechanical?
\speak{Student 2} Right.
\speak{Student 3} ????? I would get them to remember by doing that, like when they think of sound , it requires a medium for propogation, and thus they would understand the properties of mechanical waves. I would do such things.
\speak{Student 2} I would simply teach by writing on the board, this is the way I learn. I do not like to use visual materials that much.
\speak{Student 4} I would write the summary on the board, and go on that when teaching.
\speak{Student 5} Actually it is good to write…
\speak{Student 2} I would give pointers; which topics produce more questions, how to solve them…
\speak{Student 5} Our elementary school teacher would give us two weeks to copy a 30-40 page material to paper, since it is easier to remember when you write it. It helped better commit that subject to memory since we also covered the same material in class, but it was boring since you listen to the same things that you wrote down, it was not fun.
\speak{The Researcher} Was copying it to your notebook enough to help you understand it fully that you got bored in class?
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
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\chapter{Test Chapter}
Some cross-references to the dialogues~\ref{exc:long} and~\ref{exc:short}
\begin{myexcerpt}{some text that will be used for the caption of this long dialogue and we add some additional test text}{exc:long}
\speak{The Researcher} If you were a teacher, how would you teach physics?
A few seconds of silence
\speak{The Researcher} Have you ever thought, ugh this is boring, I wish it were more like this…
\speak{Student 1} It would probably be more experiment-oriented. I would conduct more experiments.
\speak{Student 2} I would just write on the board like the usual.
\speak{Student 1} Because when it is visual… I would choose to teach using experiments because since experiments are visual they are better able to maintain students’ attention.
\speak{Student 3} I would probably use analogies, you know like with electromagnetic waves. Or mechanics perhaps. I don’t know which type of wave sound waves are at the present, like those that require a medium or those that do not, I would say something like, I would tell them for instance to consider sound, is sound mechanical?
\speak{Student 2} Right.
\speak{Student 3} ????? I would get them to remember by doing that, like when they think of sound , it requires a medium for propogation, and thus they would understand the properties of mechanical waves. I would do such things.
\speak{Student 2} I would simply teach by writing on the board, this is the way I learn. I do not like to use visual materials that much.
\speak{Student 4} I would write the summary on the board, and go on that when teaching.
\speak{Student 5} Actually it is good to write…
\speak{Student 2} I would give pointers; which topics produce more questions, how to solve them…
\speak{Student 5} Our elementary school teacher would give us two weeks to copy a 30-40 page material to paper, since it is easier to remember when you write it. It helped better commit that subject to memory since we also covered the same material in class, but it was boring since you listen to the same things that you wrote down, it was not fun.
\speak{The Researcher} Was copying it to your notebook enough to help you understand it fully that you got bored in class?
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\begin{myexcerpt}{this is the description of the second dialogue}{exc:short}
\speak{The Researcher} If you were a teacher, how would you teach physics?
A few seconds of silence
\speak{The Researcher} Have you ever thought, ugh this is boring, I wish it were more like this…
\speak{Student 1} It would probably be more experiment-oriented. I would conduct more experiments.
\speak{Student 2} I would just write on the board like the usual.
\speak{Student 1} Because when it is visual… I would choose to teach using experiments because since experiments are visual they are better able to maintain students’ attention.
键允许您在所需位置添加所需帧的“cont.”文本;我还定义了一个新的 mdf 键,允许您传递标题;环境会自动Excerpt <number>:
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\chapter{Test Chapter}
\begin{myexcerpt}[caption={this is the description of this dialogue; it is a little long just for this example so that it spans two lines}]
\speak{The Researcher} If you were a teacher, how would you teach physics?
A few seconds of silence
\speak{The Researcher} Have you ever thought, ugh this is boring, I wish it were more like this…
\speak{Student 1} It would probably be more experiment-oriented. I would conduct more experiments.
\speak{Student 2} I would just write on the board like the usual.
\speak{Student 1} Because when it is visual… I would choose to teach using experiments because since experiments are visual they are better able to maintain students’ attention.
\speak{Student 3} I would probably use analogies, you know like with electromagnetic waves. Or mechanics perhaps. I don’t know which type of wave sound waves are at the present, like those that require a medium or those that do not, I would say something like, I would tell them for instance to consider sound, is sound mechanical?
\speak{Student 2} Right.
\speak{Student 3} ????? I would get them to remember by doing that, like when they think of sound , it requires a medium for propogation, and thus they would understand the properties of mechanical waves. I would do such things.
\speak{Student 2} I would simply teach by writing on the board, this is the way I learn. I do not like to use visual materials that much.
\speak{Student 4} I would write the summary on the board, and go on that when teaching.
\speak{Student 5} Actually it is good to write…
\speak{Student 2} I would give pointers; which topics produce more questions, how to solve them…
\speak{Student 5} Our elementary school teacher would give us two weeks to copy a 30-40 page material to paper, since it is easier to remember when you write it. It helped better commit that subject to memory since we also covered the same material in class, but it was boring since you listen to the same things that you wrote down, it was not fun.
\speak{The Researcher} Was copying it to your notebook enough to help you understand it fully that you got bored in class?
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\speak{Student 5} You do understand it.
\speak{Student 2} If visual materials, slides or experiments are to be used we have to study daily for us to remember. Yet I forget since I do not study daily.
\begin{myexcerpt}[caption={this is the description of the second dialogue}]
\speak{The Researcher} If you were a teacher, how would you teach physics?
A few seconds of silence
\speak{The Researcher} Have you ever thought, ugh this is boring, I wish it were more like this…
\speak{Student 1} It would probably be more experiment-oriented. I would conduct more experiments.
\speak{Student 2} I would just write on the board like the usual.
\speak{Student 1} Because when it is visual… I would choose to teach using experiments because since experiments are visual they are better able to maintain students’ attention.