

我正在尝试给出的代码内联列表中的彩色背景,实际上与如何重新定义 \lstinline 以自动突出显示或绘制所有内联代码片段周围的框架?,然后我就遇到了下面的问题。

当出现 的段落\lstinline在页面之间断开时,突出显示会转到错误的页面(并非总是如此)。即使段落没有断开,当 latex 脚注或浮动机制干扰并将该段落发送到下一页时,也会发生这种情况。

以下 MWE 显示了这两个问题。它的代码与引用的答案中的代码相同,但在示例之前有一些文本,这导致了第一种情况的问题(段落中的分页符)。您可以取消注释带有脚注的行(靠近)\begin{document},以查看第二个问题(整个段落转到下一页,但突出显示仍保留在第一页)。


% change this to customize the appearance of the highlight
\tikzstyle{highlighter} = [
  yellow,% set the color for inline listings here.
  line width = \baselineskip,

% enable these two lines for a more human-looking highlight
%\tikzstyle{highlighter} += [decorate, decoration = random steps]

% implementation of the core highlighting logic; do not change!
\newcommand{\tikzhighlightanchor}[1]{\ensuremath{\vcenter{\hbox{\tikz[remember picture, overlay]{\coordinate (#1 highlight \arabic{highlight});}}}}}
\AtBeginShipout{\AtBeginShipoutUpperLeft{\ifthenelse{\value{highlight} > 0}{\tikz[remember picture, overlay]{\foreach \stroke in {1,...,\arabic{highlight}} \draw[highlighter] (begin highlight \stroke) -- (end highlight \stroke);}}{}}}

\makeatletter %   Redefine macros from listings package:

    \leavevmode\bgroup\toggletrue{@InInlineListing}\bh % \hbox\bgroup --> \bgroup
      \@ifnextchar\bgroup{\afterassignment\lst@InlineG \let\@let@token}%



% Foo\footnote{\lipsum[6]}

This is a somewhat large paragraph which latex perhaps will break among two
pages. Hopefully this will show the intended problem, that is, that the
highligthed yellow box is shown in the page in which the paragraph started,
instead of the page in which the code actually landed. Some more sentences to
fill the required space will do. Blah, blah, lorem ipsum or whatever.
This is a test where \lstinline{A=1} should have a yellow background.

This, on the other hand, actually works:
    A = 1





我可以提供一个基于tcolorbox version 2.80 (2014/03/31)今天刚刚发布的解决方案,其中提供了一个\lstinline包装,并提供了帮助xparse。除了使用\RenewTotalTCBox版本中的新宏之外2.80,您还可以对我的答案进行一些修改如何使用 \newtcbinputlisting 创建逐字框?版本为2.72


\usepackage[most]{tcolorbox}% version 2.80 (2014/03/31)


% change this to customize the appearance of the highlight
\tikzstyle{highlighter} = [
  yellow,% set the color for inline listings here.
  line width = \baselineskip,

\RenewTotalTCBox{\lstinline}{ O{} v }
  {blank,boxsep=1pt,nobeforeafter,tcbox raise base,interior style={fill,highlighter}}


% Foo\footnote{\lipsum[6]}

This is a somewhat large paragraph which latex perhaps will break among two
pages. Hopefully this will show the intended problem, that is, that the
highligthed yellow box is shown in the page in which the paragraph started,
instead of the page in which the code actually landed. Some more sentences to
fill the required space will do. Blah, blah, lorem ipsum or whatever.
This is a test where \lstinline{A=1} should have a yellow background.

This, on the other hand, actually works:
    A = 1

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