文件和一个光栅化 png 版本的图像,其颜色与执行时的颜色栏相匹配。
axis on top,
y dir=reverse,
point meta min=0,
point meta max=80000000]
\addplot graphics [xmin=75,xmax=575,ymin=-0.045,ymax=0.955] {p.png};
问题是,因为我要对多个图形执行此操作,所以我需要能够切换颜色栏的上限和下限。因此,光栅化的 png 图像与修改后的颜色栏不匹配。
/生成完全相同的图形(以正方形为中心的刻度等) pgfplots
编辑: 可以找到示例数据这里。前两列是 x 轴和 y 轴,第四列(或第三列)决定正方形的颜色。
您可以使用带有方形标记的散点图来实现这一点。这需要做一些工作来缩放轴和标记,以便它们精确连接,但这可以隐藏在 中style
matrix plot,
\addplot table [meta=funceval] { ... };
请注意,您必须使用键matrix rows
和来指定行数和列数matrix cols
matrix plot/.style={
axis on top,
clip marker paths=true,
scale only axis,
enlarge x limits={rel=0.5/\matrixcols},
enlarge y limits={rel=0.5/\matrixrows},
scatter/use mapped color={draw=mapped color, fill=mapped color},
point meta=explicit,
cycle list={
mark size=0.5*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/width}/\matrixcols
matrix rows/.store in=\matrixrows,
matrix rows=10,
matrix cols/.store in=\matrixcols,
matrix cols=10
matrix plot,
\addplot table [meta=funceval] {
ppm popsize timessolved funceval
0.005 100 30 5.2312e+06
0.105 100 30 1.6282e+06
0.205 100 29 2.0174e+06
0.305 100 30 1.66e+06
0.405 100 28 2.639e+06
0.505 100 24 4.404e+06
0.605 100 16 7.9352e+06
0.705 100 8 1.1446e+07
0.805 100 6 1.2217e+07
0.905 100 9 1.0817e+07
0.005 150 30 8.688e+06
0.105 150 30 2.1773e+06
0.205 150 30 2.2315e+06
0.305 150 30 2.401e+06
0.405 150 30 2.6153e+06
0.505 150 26 5.426e+06
0.605 150 21 8.7765e+06
0.705 150 23 7.0593e+06
0.805 150 16 1.1344e+07
0.905 150 14 1.2771e+07
0.005 200 30 6.6252e+06
0.105 200 30 3.0197e+06
0.205 200 30 2.9699e+06
0.305 200 30 3.1497e+06
0.405 200 30 3.5268e+06
0.505 200 30 3.7531e+06
0.605 200 27 6.1353e+06
0.705 200 24 8.3013e+06
0.805 200 21 1.0925e+07
0.905 200 17 1.4032e+07
0.005 250 30 8.1181e+06
0.105 250 30 3.5341e+06
0.205 250 30 3.8653e+06
0.305 250 30 3.7785e+06
0.405 250 30 4.3767e+06
0.505 250 30 4.3917e+06
0.605 250 29 5.3275e+06
0.705 250 29 4.6693e+06
0.805 250 23 1.0961e+07
0.905 250 25 8.02e+06
0.005 300 30 8.5783e+06
0.105 300 30 4.0582e+06
0.205 300 30 4.263e+06
0.305 300 30 4.692e+06
0.405 300 30 5.1478e+06
0.505 300 30 5.4769e+06
0.605 300 29 6.3917e+06
0.705 300 26 9.4055e+06
0.805 300 26 8.7111e+06
0.905 300 18 1.9458e+07
0.005 350 30 1.0232e+07
0.105 350 30 4.5218e+06
0.205 350 30 4.9123e+06
0.305 350 30 5.3983e+06
0.405 350 30 5.9751e+06
0.505 350 30 6.3135e+06
0.605 350 30 5.7111e+06
0.705 350 30 4.6045e+06
0.805 350 27 8.4856e+06
0.905 350 24 1.2849e+07
0.005 400 30 8.3002e+06
0.105 400 30 5.2684e+06
0.205 400 30 5.5534e+06
0.305 400 30 6.1292e+06
0.405 400 30 6.6702e+06
0.505 400 30 7.2192e+06
0.605 400 30 6.9306e+06
0.705 400 30 5.5206e+06
0.805 400 30 4.0857e+06
0.905 400 29 5.1603e+06
0.005 450 30 1.0286e+07
0.105 450 30 5.8948e+06
0.205 450 30 5.9761e+06
0.305 450 30 6.5749e+06
0.405 450 30 7.6008e+06
0.505 450 30 8.2071e+06
0.605 450 30 7.7313e+06
0.705 450 30 6.0063e+06
0.805 450 29 6.7191e+06
0.905 450 28 7.9783e+06
0.005 500 30 9.0253e+06
0.105 500 30 6.2937e+06
0.205 500 30 6.7477e+06
0.305 500 30 7.3703e+06
0.405 500 30 8.5554e+06
0.505 500 30 8.8726e+06
0.605 500 30 8.4899e+06
0.705 500 30 6.775e+06
0.805 500 30 5.2942e+06
0.905 500 29 6.8066e+06
0.005 550 30 1.1179e+07
0.105 550 30 7.0593e+06
0.205 550 30 7.3797e+06
0.305 550 30 7.7037e+06
0.405 550 30 8.7875e+06
0.505 550 30 9.9175e+06
0.605 550 30 1.0188e+07
0.705 550 30 7.4751e+06
0.805 550 30 5.8577e+06
0.905 550 30 4.4054e+06
借助 PGFPlots v1.13 中的新功能matrix plot
和matrix plot*
可用功能,Jake 的答案可以简化为以下代码。您可以在手册第 164 页第 4.6.12 节中找到描述。
axis on top, % <-- (use with `matrix plot*')
point meta=explicit,
% change me to adjust ``end point'' values used for the colormap
point meta min=0e7,
point meta max=2e7,
% change min and max values to just show that interval in the colorbar
% colorbar style={
% ymin=0.5e7,
% ymax=2.5e7,
% },
% \addplot [matrix plot] table [meta=funceval] {
\addplot [matrix plot*] table [meta=funceval] {
ppm popsize timessolved funceval
0.005 100 30 5.2312e+06
0.105 100 30 1.6282e+06
0.205 100 29 2.0174e+06
0.305 100 30 1.66e+06
0.405 100 28 2.639e+06
0.505 100 24 4.404e+06
0.605 100 16 7.9352e+06
0.705 100 8 1.1446e+07
0.805 100 6 1.2217e+07
0.905 100 9 1.0817e+07
0.005 150 30 8.688e+06
0.105 150 30 2.1773e+06
0.205 150 30 2.2315e+06
0.305 150 30 2.401e+06
0.405 150 30 2.6153e+06
0.505 150 26 5.426e+06
0.605 150 21 8.7765e+06
0.705 150 23 7.0593e+06
0.805 150 16 1.1344e+07
0.905 150 14 1.2771e+07
0.005 200 30 6.6252e+06
0.105 200 30 3.0197e+06
0.205 200 30 2.9699e+06
0.305 200 30 3.1497e+06
0.405 200 30 3.5268e+06
0.505 200 30 3.7531e+06
0.605 200 27 6.1353e+06
0.705 200 24 8.3013e+06
0.805 200 21 1.0925e+07
0.905 200 17 1.4032e+07
0.005 250 30 8.1181e+06
0.105 250 30 3.5341e+06
0.205 250 30 3.8653e+06
0.305 250 30 3.7785e+06
0.405 250 30 4.3767e+06
0.505 250 30 4.3917e+06
0.605 250 29 5.3275e+06
0.705 250 29 4.6693e+06
0.805 250 23 1.0961e+07
0.905 250 25 8.02e+06
0.005 300 30 8.5783e+06
0.105 300 30 4.0582e+06
0.205 300 30 4.263e+06
0.305 300 30 4.692e+06
0.405 300 30 5.1478e+06
0.505 300 30 5.4769e+06
0.605 300 29 6.3917e+06
0.705 300 26 9.4055e+06
0.805 300 26 8.7111e+06
0.905 300 18 1.9458e+07
0.005 350 30 1.0232e+07
0.105 350 30 4.5218e+06
0.205 350 30 4.9123e+06
0.305 350 30 5.3983e+06
0.405 350 30 5.9751e+06
0.505 350 30 6.3135e+06
0.605 350 30 5.7111e+06
0.705 350 30 4.6045e+06
0.805 350 27 8.4856e+06
0.905 350 24 1.2849e+07
0.005 400 30 8.3002e+06
0.105 400 30 5.2684e+06
0.205 400 30 5.5534e+06
0.305 400 30 6.1292e+06
0.405 400 30 6.6702e+06
0.505 400 30 7.2192e+06
0.605 400 30 6.9306e+06
0.705 400 30 5.5206e+06
0.805 400 30 4.0857e+06
0.905 400 29 5.1603e+06
0.005 450 30 1.0286e+07
0.105 450 30 5.8948e+06
0.205 450 30 5.9761e+06
0.305 450 30 6.5749e+06
0.405 450 30 7.6008e+06
0.505 450 30 8.2071e+06
0.605 450 30 7.7313e+06
0.705 450 30 6.0063e+06
0.805 450 29 6.7191e+06
0.905 450 28 7.9783e+06
0.005 500 30 9.0253e+06
0.105 500 30 6.2937e+06
0.205 500 30 6.7477e+06
0.305 500 30 7.3703e+06
0.405 500 30 8.5554e+06
0.505 500 30 8.8726e+06
0.605 500 30 8.4899e+06
0.705 500 30 6.775e+06
0.805 500 30 5.2942e+06
0.905 500 29 6.8066e+06
0.005 550 30 1.1179e+07
0.105 550 30 7.0593e+06
0.205 550 30 7.3797e+06
0.305 550 30 7.7037e+06
0.405 550 30 8.7875e+06
0.505 550 30 9.9175e+06
0.605 550 30 1.0188e+07
0.705 550 30 7.4751e+06
0.805 550 30 5.8577e+06
0.905 550 30 4.4054e+06
根据 Jake 的回答,这里有一个返回 TikZ 图形的 MATLAB 脚本:
- 矩阵:[mxn] 矩阵(用作位置的索引)或 [mx 3] [xy 数据](如果 4e arg. 为
)。 - FILENAME:输出文件。
- WIDTH:图形的宽度。
- LIST:如果等于,
则将矩阵视为 [mx 3] 矩阵。
function matrix2TikZ(matrix, filename, width, list)
%MATRIX2TIKZ Convert matrix to TikZ/Pgfplots figure.
% convert the 2d MATRIX to LaTeX figure saved in FILENAME.
% MATRIX is a [n x m] or [m x 3] matrix.
% MATRIX2TIKZ(MATRIX, FILENAME, WIDTH) explicitely specifies the width of the
% figure. (default: 8cm)
% MATRIX2TIKZ(MATRIX, FILENAME, WIDTH, list) if list == 'list' the MATRIX is
% already a [m x 3] matrix and is directly written to file.
%Input checks
if ndims(matrix) ~= 2
error('I can only convert a 2D matrix.');
if nargin < 2
error('You must provide at least two arguments: a MATRIX and a FILENAME.');
elseif nargin < 3
width = '8cm';
list = '';
%Generate output matrix [x y data]
if strcmp(list, 'list')
out = matrix;
out = zeros(size(matrix,1)*size(matrix,2),3);
for x=1:size(matrix, 2)
for y=1:size(matrix, 1)
%Y axis is inverted
out((y-1)*size(matrix, 2)+x,:) = [x size(matrix,1)+1-y matrix(y,x)];
%Write to file
fileID = fopen(filename,'w');
fprintf(fileID,[ ...
'\\pgfplotsset{\n' ...
' matrix plot/.style={\n' ...
' axis on top,\n' ...
' clip marker paths=true,\n' ...
' scale only axis,\n' ...
' height=\\matrixrows/\\matrixcols*\\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/width},\n' ...
' enlarge x limits={rel=0.5/\\matrixcols},\n' ...
' enlarge y limits={rel=0.5/\\matrixrows},\n' ...
' scatter/use mapped color={draw=mapped color, fill=mapped color},\n' ...
' scatter,\n' ...
' point meta=explicit,\n' ...
' mark=square*,\n' ...
' cycle list={\n' ...
' mark size=0.5*\\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/width}/\\matrixcols\n' ...
' }\n' ...
' },\n' ...
' matrix rows/.store in=\\matrixrows,\n' ...
fprintf(fileID, [ ...
' matrix rows=%i,\n' ...
], size(matrix,1));
fprintf(fileID, [ ...
' matrix cols/.store in=\\matrixcols,\n' ...
fprintf(fileID, [ ...
' matrix cols=%i,\n' ...
], size(matrix,2));
fprintf(fileID, [ ...
'}\n' ...
'\\begin{tikzpicture}\n' ...
' \\begin{axis}[\n' ...
fprintf(fileID, [ ...
' width=%s,\n' ...
], width);
fprintf(fileID, [ ...
' matrix plot,\n' ...
' colormap/hot,\n' ...
' colorbar\n' ...
' ]\n' ...
' \\addplot table [meta=peaks]{\n' ...
' time channel peaks\n' ...
fprintf(fileID, [ ...
' %f %f %f\n' ...
], out');
fprintf(fileID, [ ...
' };\n' ...
' \\end{axis}\n' ...
'\\end{tikzpicture}' ...