%index median box_top box_bottom whisker_top whisker_bottom
0.35 56 393.5 14 1374 2
0.36 35.5 158 6 2693 2
0.37 10 60.5 3 2014 2
0.38 10 36 3 2187 2
0.39 8.5 43.75 3 2131 2
0.40 6 19 2 2295 2
0.41 6 26 3 2322 2
0.42 6 26 2 2621 1
0.43 3 10 2 1669 2
0.44 4 14 2 1817 2
0.45 3 5 2 52 2
box plot width/.initial=5em,
box plot/.style={
only marks,
mark size=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/box plot width},
/pgfplots/error bars/.cd,
y dir=plus,
y explicit,
box plot box/.style={
/pgfplots/error bars/draw error bar/.code 2 args={%
\draw ##1 -- ++(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/box plot width},0pt) |- ##2 -- ++(-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/box plot width},0pt) |- ##1 -- cycle;
y index=2,
y error expr={\thisrowno{3}-\thisrowno{2}},
/pgfplots/box plot
box plot top whisker/.style={
/pgfplots/error bars/draw error bar/.code 2 args={%
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/error bars/error mark}%
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/error bars/error mark options}%
\path ##1 -- ##2;
y index=4,
y error expr={\thisrowno{2}-\thisrowno{4}},
/pgfplots/box plot
box plot bottom whisker/.style={
/pgfplots/error bars/draw error bar/.code 2 args={%
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/error bars/error mark}%
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/error bars/error mark options}%
\path ##1 -- ##2;
y index=5,
y error expr={\thisrowno{3}-\thisrowno{5}},
/pgfplots/box plot
box plot median/.style={
/pgfplots/box plot
\begin{axis} [enlargelimits=false,xmin=0.33,xmax=0.47,xtick=data, box plot width=0.5em]
\addplot [box plot median] table {lmpqd.dat};
\addplot [box plot box] table {lmpqd.dat};
\addplot [box plot top whisker] table {lmpqd.dat};
\addplot [box plot bottom whisker] table {lmpqd.dat};
% \captionof{figure}{Boxplot for total number of keys examined by MSB+LSB reconstruction algorithm for $2048-bit$ N, varying $\delta$.}
设置来更改绘图的纵横比,例如将其设置为width=12cm, height=6cm
,或者您可以设置 x 单位向量长度,例如设置为x=80cm
%index median box_top box_bottom whisker_top whisker_bottom
0.35 56 393.5 14 1374 2
0.36 35.5 158 6 2693 2
0.37 10 60.5 3 2014 2
0.38 10 36 3 2187 2
0.39 8.5 43.75 3 2131 2
0.40 6 19 2 2295 2
0.41 6 26 3 2322 2
0.42 6 26 2 2621 1
0.43 3 10 2 1669 2
0.44 4 14 2 1817 2
0.45 3 5 2 52 2
box plot width/.initial=5em,
box plot/.style={
only marks,
mark size=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/box plot width},
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y dir=plus,
y explicit,
box plot box/.style={
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\draw ##1 -- ++(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/box plot width},0pt) |- ##2 -- ++(-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/box plot width},0pt) |- ##1 -- cycle;
y index=2,
y error expr={\thisrowno{3}-\thisrowno{2}},
/pgfplots/box plot
box plot top whisker/.style={
/pgfplots/error bars/draw error bar/.code 2 args={%
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/error bars/error mark}%
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/error bars/error mark options}%
\path ##1 -- ##2;
y index=4,
y error expr={\thisrowno{2}-\thisrowno{4}},
/pgfplots/box plot
box plot bottom whisker/.style={
/pgfplots/error bars/draw error bar/.code 2 args={%
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/error bars/error mark}%
\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgfplots/error bars/error mark options}%
\path ##1 -- ##2;
y index=5,
y error expr={\thisrowno{3}-\thisrowno{5}},
/pgfplots/box plot
box plot median/.style={
/pgfplots/box plot
\begin{axis} [ymode=log, enlargelimits=false,xmin=0.34,xmax=0.46,xtick=data, box plot width=0.5em, log ticks with fixed point, ymin=0.9, x=80cm]
\addplot [very thick, box plot median] table {lmpqd.dat};
\addplot [box plot box] table {lmpqd.dat};
\addplot [box plot top whisker] table {lmpqd.dat};
\addplot [box plot bottom whisker] table {lmpqd.dat};
% \captionof{figure}{Boxplot for total number of keys examined by MSB+LSB reconstruction algorithm for $2048-bit$ N, varying $\delta$.}