使用 wordlike 时如何换行章节标题?

使用 wordlike 时如何换行章节标题?



% Emulate MS Word

% One inch margins

% Double spacing

% Don't justify along the right margin

% Format section titles

% Format paragraphs
\parskip 0pt

% Remove section numbers


\section{Here's an example of a long section title that is going to stretch beyond the page}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


如果我尝试使用 强制换行\\,我会收到此错误:Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.


问题不在于wordlike;标准\underline不允许换行;而是使用\ulinefrom ulem


% Emulate MS Word

% One inch margins

% Double spacing

% Don't justify along the right margin

% Format section titles
    {\normalfont\bfseries\filcenter}{\uline{\thesection.\ }}{0em}{\uline}

% Format paragraphs
\parskip 0pt

% Remove section numbers


\section{Here's an example of a long section title that is not going to stretch beyond the page due to the changes}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



