我怎样才能使 tikzpicture 平滑地围绕文本流动?

我怎样才能使 tikzpicture 平滑地围绕文本流动?




Whenever we deal with integration, we come across the constant of integration $C$. Suppose we have the following graph of $ f(x) = \sin x$. 

xlabel = $x$,
ylabel = $f(x)$

The primary reason for doing integration is to be able to solve differential equations.

    some random text goes here and other cool stuff.



不要使用9cm,而要使用0pt,那么将使用 的自然宽度wrapfigure来对齐周围的文本。在第一行缩进可能看起来很奇怪,所以添加\noindent The primary...会让它看起来不那么奇怪。




Whenever we deal with integration, we come across the constant of integration $C$. Suppose we have the following graph of $ f(x) = \sin x$. 

xlabel = $x$,
ylabel = $f(x)$

\noindent The primary reason for doing integration is to be able to solve differential equations.

    some random text goes here and other cool stuff.

