


\CreateLink{<linke style>}{<link target>}{<link text>},


\CreateLink{<linke style>}{<link target>}{<link text>,}


  1. 它更具可读性(代码中的标点符号更明显)。
  2. 允许我推迟天气决定是否将标点符号作为链接文本的一部分。

因此,我想修改\CreateLink宏,以便能够检查后续字符是否为空格。如果不是,则将下一个字符视为标点符号,并将该字符包含在 的输出中\CreateLink





% The following \def allows to have one version of this code for this questions,
% and the previous question at:
%    https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/125357/should-hyperlinks-include-trailing-puctuation-as-part-of-the-link-text
\def\SmartVersion{}%  Should be uncommented for this question.


%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
%%                https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/36894/
%%                    underline-omitting-the-descenders
    \cs_new:Npn \white_text:n #1
        \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {.01}
        \fp_mul:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {#1}
        \llap{\textcolor{white}{\the\SOUL@syllable}\hspace{\fp_to_decimal:N \l_tmpa_fp em}}
        \llap{\textcolor{white}{\the\SOUL@syllable}\hspace{-\fp_to_decimal:N \l_tmpa_fp em}}
    \NewDocumentCommand{\whiten}{ m }
          \int_step_function:nnnN {1}{1}{#1} \white_text:n

\NewDocumentCommand{ \varul }{ D<>{5} O{0.2ex} O{0.1ex} +m } {%
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------

    \hypersetup{pdfborder={0 0 1}, urlcolor=.}%
    \hypersetup{pdfborder={0 0 0}, urlcolor=red}%

        % If the next character is anything other than a space, 
        % include that char as part of the text. 
        % The "-" is supposed to whatever the next character is,
        % but don't know how to get that character.  
        % Note that the "-" is shown in all cases, so this is NOT working.
    \else% "ELSE" clause is unused in this question

\textbf{Punctuation NOT part of link:}\medskip
\par Go and check out \CreateLink{1}{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}, and also\ldots
\par Go and check out \CreateLink{2}{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}, and also\ldots
\par Go and check out \CreateLink{3}{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}, and also\ldots

\textbf{Punctuation part of link:}\medskip
\par Go and check out \CreateLink{1}{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo,} and also\ldots
\par Go and check out \CreateLink{2}{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo,} and also\ldots
\par Go and check out \CreateLink{3}{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo,} and also\ldots



以下代码仅使用您的第一个链接样式,因为不同的样式对于问题来说似乎并不重要。它使用包etoolbox它的列表处理工具和\ifblank宏,以及 Heiko Oberdiek 的ltxcmds因为它\ltx@ifnextchar允许通过检查以下空间\ltx@ifnextchar{ }{<true>}{<false>}

下面的宏\CreateLink{<address>}{<text>}检查后面是否有空格。如果没有,则取下一个标记,并检查它是否在使用 设置的标记列表中\setlinkpunctuation{<punctuation marks>}。此宏可让您完全控制链接中应包含哪些标点符号。




% list parser with no separator:
% set the punctuation list (the parser does not like blank lists):

% check if a space follows; if yes, only create the link, else
% eat the next token:
  \ltx@ifnextchar{ }

% check if #3 is among the punctuation marks
% and either place it inside the link or outside:

% the actual link:
  \hypersetup{pdfborder={0 0 1}, urlcolor=.}%


only \texttt{,}\par\medskip
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}, and also\ldots\par
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo} and also\ldots\par
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}. and also\ldots\par
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}! and also\ldots\par

Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}, and also\ldots\par
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo} and also\ldots\par
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}. and also\ldots\par
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}! and also\ldots\par

\texttt{,.} and \texttt{!}\par\medskip
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}, and also\ldots\par
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo} and also\ldots\par
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}. and also\ldots\par
Go and check out \CreateLink{www.yahoo.com}{the yahoo}! and also\ldots\par

