\NewDocumentEnvironment {trace} {} {%
\tabu to \linewidth {|@{ }r@{::}l|l|X|}
A & B & C & D \\
\NewDocumentCommand \tline { o m m m m } {\linecell #2 & \classcell #3 & \methodcell #4 & \codecell #5 \\ %
\IfNoValueTF {#1}
{} % No comment was provided, skip creating a line
{\hline\multicolumn{4}{ |r| }{\commentcell #1} \\ }
% This works
a & b & c & d
% This fails with 'Missing Number'. Note that tabu definitely does not like the
% ending \\ caused by the \tline, but I know that I need to use \\ inside my
% tline command to cause a line break, so the question is how do I optionally
% create two rows inside tline without using \\, or is there a command tabu
% prefers to \\. I tried \newline with no luck
在用 定义的命令中使用\NewDocumentCommand
,但如果您使用 ,它可以工作\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand
似乎不同意在用 定义的环境中所做的操作\NewDocumentEnvironment
\tabu to \linewidth {|@{ }r@{::}l|l|X|}
A & B & C & D \\
\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand \tline { o m m m m } {%
\linecell #2 & \classcell #3 & \methodcell #4 & \codecell #5 \\ %
\IfNoValueTF {#1}
{}% No comment was provided, skip creating a line
{\hline\multicolumn{4}{ |r| }{\commentcell #1} \\ }
% This works
a & b & c & d
\begin{tabu} to \linewidth {|@{ }r@{::}l|l|X|}
A & B & C & D \\
\linecell a & \classcell b & \methodcell c & \codecell d \\