需要帮助修改 ntheorem 环境

需要帮助修改 ntheorem 环境

我正在尝试修改 中定义的一些定理环境。我希望我的文档中的定义能够ntheoremntheorem框架定理类他们的定义是:





\begin{defn}[Logical Equivalance] Two propositions are said to be logically equivalent iff ...






Undefined control sequence: begin{prop}















\begin{defn}[Logical Equivalance] Two propositions are said to be logically equivalent iff ...

Let $P$ and $Q$ be propositions. Then ...



我现在添加了更多类似“定理”的环境,并且出现了更多错误,如果可能的话,请有人帮助我使用 mdframed 来解决问题。这是当前最新的 mwe:















\def    \all    {\forall}
\def    \ex     {\exists}
\def    \imp    {\Rightarrow}
\def    \limp   {\Leftarrow}
\def    \iff    {\Longleftrightarrow}
\def    \contra {\rightarrow\negmedspace\leftarrow}
\def    \es     {\emptyset}
\def    \st     {\backepsilon}

\def    \bn{\mathbb N}
\def    \bz{\mathbb Z}
\def    \bq{\mathbb Q}
\def    \br{\mathbb R}
\def    \bc{\mathbb C}
\def    \bp{\mathbb P}
\def    \bt{\mathbb T}

Declarative sentences or strings of symbols in mathematics which can be said     to have \textit{exactly} one \textit{truth value}, that is, are either true (denoted T), or false (denoted F), are known as \textbf{statements} or \textbf{propositions}.

Hence, the truth value of the negation of a proposition is \textit{merely} the opposite of the truth value of said proposition. Hence, the truth value of the proposition '$7$ is divisible by $2$' is the proposition 'It is not the case that $7$ is not divisible by $2$' or '$7$ is not divisible by $2$' (both of which are true).

Let $P$ and $Q$ be propositions. Then:
    \item $P \imp Q \equiv (\neg Q) \imp (\neg P).$
    \item $P \imp Q  \not \equiv Q \imp P.$

Let $P,Q,$ and $R$ be propositions. Then:
        \item $P \imp Q \equiv (\neg P) \vee (Q).$
        \item $P \iff Q \equiv (P \imp Q) \wedge (Q \imp P).$
        \item $\neg(P \imp Q) \equiv (P) \wedge (\neg Q).$
        \item $\neg(P \wedge Q) \equiv (P) \imp (\neg Q) \equiv (Q) \imp (\neg P).$
        \item $P \imp (Q \imp R) \equiv (P \wedge Q) \imp R.$
        \item $P \imp (Q \vee R) \equiv (P \imp Q) \wedge (P \imp R).$ 
        \item $(P \vee Q) \imp R \equiv (P \imp R) \wedge (Q \imp R).$

The proof for the above proposition is left to the reader. All of the above statements may be proved using truth tables.

\begin{axm}[Field Axioms of $\br$]
On the set $\br$ of real numbers, there are two binary operations, denoted by $\pmb{+}$ and $\pmb{\cdot}$ and called \textbf{addition} and \textbf{multiplication} respectively. These operations satisfy the following properties:
    \item[$A_0$] $x,y \in \br \imp x+y \in \br \q \all \, x,y \in \br$. [additive closure]
    \item[$A_1$] $x+y=y+x \q \all \, x,y \in \br$. [additive commutativity]
    \item[$A_2$] $(x+y)+z=x+(y+z) \q \all \, x,y,z \in \br$. [additive associativity]
    \item[$A_3$] There is a unique $0 \in \br \text{ such that } 0+x=x=x+0 \q \all \, x \in \br$. [existence of an additive identity]
    \item[$A_4$] There is a unique $-x \in \br \text{ such that } x+(-x)=0=(-x)+x \q \all \, x \in \br$. [existence of an additive inverse]
    \item[$M_0$] $x,y \in \br \imp x \cdot y \in \br \q \all \, x,y \in \br$. [multiplicative closure]
    \item[$M_1$] $x \cdot y=y \cdot x \q \all \, x,y \in \br$. [multiplicative commutativity]
    \item[$M_2$] $(x \cdot y) \cdot z=x \cdot (y \cdot z) \q \all \, x,y,z \in \br$. [multiplicative associativity]
    \item[$M_3$] There is a unique $1 \in \br \text{ such that } 1 \cdot x=x=x \cdot 1 \q \all \, x \in \br$. [existence of multiplicative identity]
    \item[$M_4$] There is a unique $\nicefrac{1}{x} \in \br \text{ such that } x \cdot (\nicefrac{1}{x})=1=(\nicefrac{1}{x}) \cdot x \q \all x \in \br$. [existence of multiplicative inverse]
    \item[$AM_1$] $x \cdot (y+z) = (x \cdot y) + (x \cdot z)$ and $(y + z) \cdot x = (y \cdot x) + (z \cdot x)$. [distributivity]

The reader should be familiar with all of the aforementioned field properties. We note that all of the `familiar' properties of algebra (those learned in middle school and high school, for example) may be deduced from this list. We now establish the basic fact that both the additive identity, $0$, and the multiplicative identity are in fact unique; and that multiplication by $0$ always results in $0$.



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\begin{defn}[Logical Equivalance] 
    Two propositions are said to be logically equivalent iff ...

    Let $P$ and $Q$ be propositions. Then ...


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这是之前 MWE 的一个版本,使用mdframed包;请注意,这个包没有依靠包上pstricks(与之前的方法相反)。这样,您可以(轻松地)使用 编译此文档pdflatex

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\begin{defn}[Logical Equivalance] 
    Two propositions are said to be logically equivalent iff ...

    Let $P$ and $Q$ be propositions. Then ...


当然,mdframed可以告诉包使用pstricks或者tikz如果您愿意,但这超出了问题的范围 - 请参阅手册了解更多详细信息。


有了额外的类定理环境,这个 MWE 就可以工作了。请注意,你不能使用以下方法两次定义类定理环境\newtheorem

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\begin{defn}[Logical Equivalance] 
    Two propositions are said to be logically equivalent iff ...

    Let $P$ and $Q$ be propositions. Then ...

