使用 makecell 对齐两列中的行时出现问题

使用 makecell 对齐两列中的行时出现问题


\makecell[l]{Practicality\\Controlling factors\\Knocking-up\\Type of lime\\Impacts}%
\makecell*[l{p{85mm}}]{Mortar needs to be easy to work so the mason won't add more water\\Water retentivity, water content, internal friction, surface area, air content, density, consistency\\Consistency reintroduced without need for extra water\\Hydrated lime more workable than hydraulic\\Strength (particularly bond strength), water resistance and workmanship}%


\begin{tabular}{p{15mm}p{30mm}p{85mm}} \toprule
   & Aspect   & Key Characteristics \\ \midrule
Workability & \aspect & \key \\





\begin {table} [ht]
\begin{tabular} {l l p{8.5cm}}     %3 left aligned columns
& Aspect & Key Characteristic(s) \\
& Practicality & Mortar needs to be easy to work so the mason won't add more water \\
& Controlling factors & Water retentivity, water content, internal friction, surface area, air content, density, consistency \\
& "Knocking-up" & Consistency reintroduced without need for extra water \\ 
& Type of lime & Hydrated lime more workable than hydraulic \\
& Impacts & Strength (particularly bond strength), water resistance and workmanship \\    
\label{table:Workability}    %table reference in text





\usepackage{booktabs}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{makecell,booktabs}

    & Aspect   & Key Characteristics \\
    & Practicality & Mortar needs to be easy to work so the mason won't add more water \\
    & Controlling factors & Water retentivity, water content, internal friction, surface area, air content, density, consistency \\
    \smash{\raisebox{\normalbaselineskip}{Workability}} & Knocking-up & Consistency reintroduced without need for extra water \\
    & Type of lime & Hydrated lime more workable than hydraulic \\
    & Impacts & Strength (particularly bond strength), water resistance and workmanship



