


\caption{Indicators for sustainable transportation \citep{r2}}
    \label{tab: ind}

\begin{tabular}{@{} l L L L @{} >{\kern\tabcolsep}l @{}}    \toprule
\emph{Objective} & \emph{Indicator} & \emph{Direction} &&&  \\\midrule

\emph{Economic}    &    &    &    &    \\ 
\rowcolor{black!3}[0pt][0pt] Transport diversity & Mode split: portion of travel made by walking, cycling, rideshare, public transit and telework & More is better \\

\emph{Social}    &    &    &    &    \\ 
\rowcolor{black!6}[0pt][0pt] Health and fitness & Percentage of population that regularly walks and cycles & More is better \\
\rowcolor{black!8}[0pt][0pt] Non-motorized transport planning & Degree to which impacts on non-motorized transport are considered in transportation modeling and planning & More is better \\

\emph{Environmental}    &    &    &    &    \\ 
\rowcolor{black!10}[0pt][0pt] Resource efficiency & Non-renewable resource consumption in the production and use of vehicles and transport facilities & Less is better \\
\rowcolor{black!12}[0pt][0pt] Climate change emissions & Per capita fossil fuel consumption, and emissions of CO2 and other climate change emissions & Less is better \\
\rowcolor{black!14}[0pt][0pt] Noise pollution & Portion of population exposed to high levels of traffic noise & Less is better \\







详细阐述 Werner 的评论。您可以使用列类型p来指定列的特定宽度。在您的背景示例中,我认为最简单的方法是指定空白列来容纳彩色列间空间:





  \caption{Indicators for sustainable transportation}
  \label{tab: ind}
  \begin{tabular}{p{2cm} p{10pt} p{5cm} p{10pt} l}    \toprule
    \emph{Objective} && \emph{Indicator} && \emph{Direction}  \\\midrule
    \emph{Economic}     &&    &&    \\ 
    \rowcolor{black!3}[0pt][0pt] Transport diversity && Mode split: portion of travel made by walking, cycling, rideshare, public transit and telework && More is better \\
    \emph{Social}       &&    &&    \\ 
    \rowcolor{black!6}[0pt][0pt] Health and fitness && Percentage of population that regularly walks and cycles && More is better \\
    \rowcolor{black!8}[0pt][0pt] Non-motorized transport planning && Degree to which impacts on non-motorized transport are considered in transportation modeling and planning && More is better \\
    \emph{Environmental}       &&    &&    \\ 
    \rowcolor{black!10}[0pt][0pt] Resource efficiency && Non-renewable resource consumption in the production and use of vehicles and transport facilities && Less is better \\
    \rowcolor{black!12}[0pt][0pt] Climate change emissions && Per capita fossil fuel consumption, and emissions of CO2 and other climate change emissions && Less is better \\
    \rowcolor{black!14}[0pt][0pt] Noise pollution && Portion of population exposed to high levels of traffic noise && Less is better \\






  \caption{Indicators for sustainable transportation}
  \label{tab: ind}
  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{>{\hsize=0.6\hsize}X p{10pt} >{\hsize=1.4\hsize}X p{10pt} l}    \toprule
    \emph{Objective} && \emph{Indicator} && \emph{Direction}  \\\midrule
    \emph{Economic}     &&    &&    \\ 
    \rowcolor{black!3}[0pt][0pt] Transport diversity && Mode split: portion of travel made by walking, cycling, rideshare, public transit and telework && More is better \\
    \emph{Social}       &&    &&    \\ 
    \rowcolor{black!6}[0pt][0pt] Health and fitness && Percentage of population that regularly walks and cycles && More is better \\
    \rowcolor{black!8}[0pt][0pt] Non-motorized transport planning && Degree to which impacts on non-motorized transport are considered in transportation modeling and planning && More is better \\
    \emph{Environmental}       &&    &&    \\ 
    \rowcolor{black!10}[0pt][0pt] Resource efficiency && Non-renewable resource consumption in the production and use of vehicles and transport facilities && Less is better \\
    \rowcolor{black!12}[0pt][0pt] Climate change emissions && Per capita fossil fuel consumption, and emissions of CO2 and other climate change emissions && Less is better \\
    \rowcolor{black!14}[0pt][0pt] Noise pollution && Portion of population exposed to high levels of traffic noise && Less is better \\

这里我使用了两X列,每列都有一个规格>{\hsize=x\hsize}。重要的是,xs 的总和是列数X。s 之间的比率x给出了相应列的宽度比率X
