强调使用 pgfplotstable 创建的表中的一行

强调使用 pgfplotstable 创建的表中的一行

我读关于“如何更改表格的整行”的文章,但我的问题是,我使用外部文件中的 pgfplotstable 创建了表格。

我该如何设置大胆的第 7 行的字符?


% For tables


    empty cells with={--}, %  replace empty cells with ’--’
    every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\midrule},
    every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule}


% Add table
\begin{table} [h]
\caption{Breakdown of participation by gender (dependent variable) (percentage)}
    columns/Form of participation/.style={string type, column type=D},
    col sep=comma] {/my/path/power_distortions_off_online/gender_dependent.csv}
\caption*{Source: p. 196}


Form of participation,No answer,Male,Female,Total
No reply,8.3,58.3,33.3,100
I attended one or more public meetings,3.7,63.9,32.4,
I attended other meetings about the public meetings,10.3,69,20.7,
I posted to the CPDP blog,11.1,66.7,22.2,
I asked a question on the DPOP Web site,7.7,84.6,7.7,
I asked a question by letter or prepaid postcard,22.2,55.6,22.2,
I asked a question or commented at a public meeting,10,83.9,16.1,
I looked for more information by mail or in documents,12.2,69.4,18.4,
I visited the CPDP Web sire,6.5,71.4,22.1,





% For tables
\usepackage{etoolbox}    % this is needed to get \ifstrempty


    empty cells with={--},
    every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\midrule},
    every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule},
    row style/.style={
        every row #1 column 0/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 1/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 2/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 3/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 4/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 5/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 6/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 7/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 8/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 9/.style= {postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 10/.style={postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}},
        every row #1 column 11/.style={postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{####1}{--}{####1}}}}

Form of participation,No answer,Male,Female,Total
No reply,8.3,58.3,33.3,100
I attended one or more public meetings,3.7,63.9,32.4,
I attended other meetings about the public meetings,10.3,69,20.7,
I posted to the CPDP blog,11.1,66.7,22.2,
I asked a question on the DPOP Web site,7.7,84.6,7.7,
I asked a question by letter or prepaid postcard,22.2,55.6,22.2,
I asked a question or commented at a public meeting,10,83.9,16.1,
I looked for more information by mail or in documents,12.2,69.4,18.4,
I visited the CPDP Web sire,6.5,71.4,22.1,


\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{gender_dependent.csv}{\gender}


% Add table
\begin{table} [h]
\caption{Breakdown of participation by gender (dependent variable) (percentage)}
    columns/Form of participation/.style={string type, column type=D},
    row style={7}
    ] {\gender}
\caption*{Source: p. 196}



不幸的是,我无法找到自动解决方案,但您可以通过every row <row> column <col>/.style={postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{##1}}}对表格中的每一列使用来获得所需的结果。对于空单元格,我必须通过etoolbox命令包含一个小的 if 子句\ifstrempty


% For tables
\usepackage{etoolbox}    % this is needed to get \ifstrempty


    empty cells with={--},
    every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\midrule},
    every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule}

Form of participation,No answer,Male,Female,Total
No reply,8.3,58.3,33.3,100
I attended one or more public meetings,3.7,63.9,32.4,
I attended other meetings about the public meetings,10.3,69,20.7,
I posted to the CPDP blog,11.1,66.7,22.2,
I asked a question on the DPOP Web site,7.7,84.6,7.7,
I asked a question by letter or prepaid postcard,22.2,55.6,22.2,
I asked a question or commented at a public meeting,10,83.9,16.1,
I looked for more information by mail or in documents,12.2,69.4,18.4,
I visited the CPDP Web sire,6.5,71.4,22.1,


\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{gender_dependent.csv}{\gender}


% Add table
\begin{table} [h]
\caption{Breakdown of participation by gender (dependent variable) (percentage)}
    columns/Form of participation/.style={string type, column type=D},
    every row 7 column 0/.style={postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{##1}}},
    every row 7 column 1/.style={postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{##1}}},
    every row 7 column 2/.style={postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{##1}}},
    every row 7 column 3/.style={postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{##1}}},
    every row 7 column 4/.style={postproc cell content/.style={@cell content=\textbf{\ifstrempty{##1}{--}{##1}}}}
    ] {\gender}
\caption*{Source: p. 196}

