Flip Beamer 主题的标题幻灯片

Flip Beamer 主题的标题幻灯片

我刚刚遇到了Flip Beamer 主题

这是 Beamer 演示文稿中使用的很酷的主题,但是,我不明白如何自定义演示文稿的标题幻灯片。示例演示文稿中的幻灯片标题和作者姓名与主题非常匹配,但我该如何重新创建它?

我是否必须在 Photoshop 之类的软件中执行此操作?或者也可以在 XeLaTeX 中执行此操作?


正如评论中提到的,标题页包含几个使用不同字体的 PDF 文件:


%% BEAMER THEME FLIP 2012: Main tex file for compiling
%$ Compile this file. 
%% Copyright 2012 by Flip Tanedo
%% This file may be distributed and/or modified
%%  1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
%%  2. under the GNU Public License.
%% If you e-mail Flip ([email protected]) to say that you
%% like this style file, then it would make him smile.

%% Please see notes.txt for comments on Beamer Theme Flip 2013
%% By default, this template is meant to be run with XeLaTeX (for fonts)
%% To run in PDFLaTeX, remove fontspec and any font commands

%% Discussion of Beamer vs XeLaTeX vs LuaLaTeX
%% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/29497/xelatex-preventing-beamer-from-using-different-backgrounds

\documentclass[12 pt]{beamer}
    bullet=circle,      % Other option: square
    bigpagenumber,      % circled page number on lower right
    topline=true,           % colored bar at the top of the frame 
    shadow=false,           % Shading for beamer blocks
    watermark=BG_lower, % png file for the watermark

\newcommand{\titleimage}{title}         % Custom title 
\newcommand{\tanedo}{tanedolight}       % Custom author name
\newcommand{\CMSSMDM}{CMSSMDMlight.png} % light background plot


%% Default font: lmodern, doesn't require fontspec % solves some default warnings
%\usepackage{sfmath}        % Sans Serif Math, off by default

%% Protects fonts from Beamer screwing with them
%% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/10488/force-computer-modern-in-math-mode

%% XeLaTeX fonts: (comment out if you don't use XeLaTeX)

%% For advanced fonts: access local OS X fonts
%% This template uses typical OS X and Adobe fonts
\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}  % This seems to be important for mapping glyphs properly

\setmainfont{Gill Sans}         % Beamer ignores "main font" in favor of sans font
\setsansfont{Gill Sans}         % This is the font that beamer will use by default
% \setmainfont{Gill Sans Light}     % Prettier, but harder to read

\setbeamerfont{title}{family=\fontspec{Gill Sans}}

\newcommand{\handwriting}{\fontspec{augie}} % From Emerald City, free font
% \newcommand{\handwriting}{}   % If you prefer no special handwriting font or don't have augie

%% Gill Sans doesn't look very nice when boldfaced
%% This is a hack to use Helvetica instead
%% Usage: \textbf{\forbold some stuff}
% \newcommand{\forbold}{} % if you want no special boldface

% Usual LaTeX Packages %

\usepackage{mathrsfs}           % For Weinberg-esque letters
\usepackage{cancel}             % For "SUSY-breaking" symbol
\usepackage{slashed}            % for slashed characters in math mode
\usepackage{bbm}                % for \mathbbm{1} (unit matrix)
\usepackage{amsthm}             % For theorem environment
\usepackage{multirow}           % For multi row cells in table
\usepackage{arydshln}           % For dashed lines in arrays and tables
\usepackage{tikzfeynman}        % For Feynman diagrams
% \usepackage{subfig}           % for sub figures
% \usepackage{young}            % For Young Tableaux
% \usepackage{xspace}           % For spacing after commands
% \usepackage{wrapfig}          % for Text wrap around figures
% \usepackage{framed}

\graphicspath{{images/}}    % Put all images in this directory. Avoids clutter.

\usetikzlibrary{mindmap,trees}  % For mind map
% http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/computer-science-mindmap/

% \renewcommand{\tilde}{\widetilde} % dinky tildes look silly, dosn't work with fontspec
\newcommand{\comment}[1]{\textcolor{comment}{\footnotesize{#1}\normalsize}} % comment mild
\newcommand{\Comment}[1]{\textcolor{Comment}{\footnotesize{#1}\normalsize}} % comment bold
\newcommand{\COMMENT}[1]{\textcolor{COMMENT}{\footnotesize{#1}\normalsize}} % comment crazy bold
\newcommand{\Alert}[1]{\textcolor{Alert}{#1}} % louder alert
\newcommand{\ALERT}[1]{\textcolor{ALERT}{#1}} % loudest alert
%% "\alert" is already a beamer pre-defined

\author[Flip Tanedo\quad {[email protected]}]{Flip Tanedo}
\title[Flip's Beamer Theme]{Flip's Beamer Theme}
\institute{Cornell University}


% Additional  settings %

%% To use external nodes; http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/beamer-arrows/
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]

{ %% This is a total kludge for a fancy title page background
\setbeamertemplate{sidebar right}{\llap{\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{BG_upper}}}
\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}} 
% The \phantom{title page} is a kludge to get the red bar on top
% \titlepage
    % \includegraphics[width=7cm]{WarpedPenguinsReturn}

    \begin{tikzpicture}%[show background grid] %% Use grid for positioning, then turn off
        \node[inner sep=0pt,above right] (title) 
            { \fontspec{Trebuchet MS}\bfseries THIS IS A SAMPLE TALK TITLE };
            %       { \includegraphics[width=7cm]{\titleimage} };
        % \node (title) at (1.5,1.5) {};

    % \includegraphics[width=7cm]{\titleimage} 

    \footnotesize\textcolor{gray}{Journal of Cool Beans

    %\includegraphics[height=1.5cm]{\tanedo} \quad
      {\fontspec{Zapfino} Flip Tanedo} \quad
    % \includegraphics[height=1cm]{FlipSansSerif} \quad
    % \footnotesize\textcolor{gray}{In collaboration with} Csaba Cs\'aki\textcolor{gray}{,} Yuval Grossman\textcolor{gray}{, and} Yuhsin Tsai\normalsize\\
        \footnotesize\textcolor{gray}{In collaboration with 
        D. Grayson, J. Todd, T. Drake, S. Brown, D. Wayne}\normalsize\\
    \textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{\textit{Gotham University}, \today}
    % \textcolor{Comment}{ \;($\pi$ day)}\\
    % \Comment{4 February 2011}




如您所见,它与原始标题页并不完全相同。但这可以回答您的问题:如果您有字体并且做了一些工作,则可以用 XeLaTeX 设置标题页。无需 Photoshop 和朋友。
