


但是,当缩进级别超过 1 时,以下方法效果不佳。以下是示例:



% A command for defining assignments within the algorithmic environment which
% supports automatic indentation when the second argument is too long to fit
% on one line
\newcommand*{\Let}[2]{\State #1 $\gets$
\parbox[t]{\linewidth-\algorithmicindent-\widthof{ #1 $\gets$}}{#2\strut}}
% A \State command that supports automatic indentation when the argument's
% content is too long to fit on one line


\caption{This is some testing pseudo-code showing what happens with nested long

  \Function{test}{$(x, y)$}
    \Let{$a$}{some math expression}
    \Let{$b$}{some very very long expression that doesn't fit on one line and is
    even longer and longer}
    \For{each $e$ in a list}
        \Let{$l(e)$}{the length of element $e$}
        \If{some condition on $l(e)$}
            \LongState{run some complex sub-routine and get the result and this
            description is very very long, long indeed...}
            \Let{$a$}{some math expression}
            \Let{$b$}{some very very long expression that doesn't fit on one
            line and is even longer and longer}
            \If{some other condition}
                \Let{$c$}{another math expression}



以下内容呈现为: 在此处输入图片描述

第 3 行是一条断开的长线的示例,而第 7 行和第 9 行则延伸得太远了。

编辑:我最初在撰写博士论文时遇到了这个问题凸轮理论类和 XeLaTeX。我的设置是 Fedora 17,带有 TeXLive 2013,由因德里奇·诺维

如果我使用Gonzalo Medina 的回答并将文档的类别更改为\documentclass{cam-thesis}(以下是 MWE):


% A command for defining assignments within the algorithmic environment which
% supports automatic indentation when the second argument is too long to fit
% on one line
\newcommand*{\Let}[2]{\State #1 $\gets$
% A \State command that supports automatic indentation when the argument's
% content is too long to fit on one line


\caption{This is some testing pseudo-code showing what happens with nested long

  \Function{test}{$(x, y)$}
    \Let{$a$}{some math expression}
    \Let{$b$}{some very very long expression that doesn't fit on one line and is
    even longer and longer}
    \For{each $e$ in a list}
        \Let{$l(e)$}{the length of element $e$}
        \If{some condition on $l(e)$}
            \LongState{run some complex sub-routine and get the result and this
            description is very very long, long indeed...}
            \Let{$a$}{some math expression}
            \Let{$b$}{some very very long expression that doesn't fit on one
            line and is even longer and longer}
            \If{some other condition}
                \Let{$c$}{another math expression}



我得到以下(cam-thesis带有XeLaTeX): 在此处输入图片描述


  1. cam-thesispdfLaTeX在此处输入图片描述

  2. articleXeLaTeX在此处输入图片描述

  3. articlepdfLaTeX在此处输入图片描述



一个选项是使用\linegoal(来自linegoal包)作为 es 的宽度\parbox\linegoal扩展到该行剩余部分的尺寸:


% A command for defining assignments within the algorithmic environment which
% supports automatic indentation when the second argument is too long to fit
% on one line
\newcommand*{\Let}[2]{\State #1 $\gets$
% A \State command that supports automatic indentation when the argument's
% content is too long to fit on one line


\caption{This is some testing pseudo-code showing what happens with nested long

  \Function{test}{$(x, y)$}
    \Let{$a$}{some math expression}
    \Let{$b$}{some very very long expression that doesn't fit on one line and is
    even longer and longer}
    \For{each $e$ in a list}
        \Let{$l(e)$}{the length of element $e$}
        \If{some condition on $l(e)$}
            \LongState{run some complex sub-routine and get the result and this
            description is very very long, long indeed...}
            \Let{$a$}{some math expression}
            \Let{$b$}{some very very long expression that doesn't fit on one
            line and is even longer and longer}
            \If{some other condition}
                \Let{$c$}{another math expression}





使用XeLaTeX 和cam-thesis文档类(问题中出现了该类的链接)塔尼兹,存在问题\linegoal;标准类中不存在此问题(请参阅对问题的编辑)。快速的解决方法是使用较短的值:


% A command for defining assignments within the algorithmic environment which
% supports automatic indentation when the second argument is too long to fit
% on one line
\newcommand*{\Let}[2]{\State #1 $\gets$
% A \State command that supports automatic indentation when the argument's
% content is too long to fit on one line


\caption{This is some testing pseudo-code showing what happens with nested long

  \Function{test}{$(x, y)$}
    \Let{$a$}{some math expression}
    \Let{$b$}{some very very long expression that doesn't fit on one line and is
    even longer and longer}
    \For{each $e$ in a list}
        \Let{$l(e)$}{the length of element $e$}
        \If{some condition on $l(e)$}
            \LongState{run some complex sub-routine and get the result and this
            description is very very long, long indeed...}
            \Let{$a$}{some math expression}
            \If{some condition on $l(e)$}
            \Let{$b$}{some very very long expression that doesn't fit on one
            line and is even longer and longer}
            \If{some other condition}
                \Let{$c$}{another math expression}




用这个命令替换以前的 LongState 命令对我的 journal 和 pdflatex 都有效。


