我想列出 bib 数据库中的所有论文。但是,代码
\printbibliography[sorting=chronological, type={article}, title={\quad}, heading=subbibliography]
由于 而产生额外的一行\quad
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试卷 2
$\bullet$ {\bodyfont \printfield{title}%
, vol. \textbf{\printfield{volume}},
\printbibliography[sorting=chronological, type={#1}, title={\quad}, heading=subbibliography]
仅在必要时修改标准驱动程序(参见下面的 MWE)。
author = {Arnold Uthor and William Riter},
title = {A Very Interesting Article},
journal = {Journal of Articles},
volume = {7},
number = {3},
pages = {1-5},
date = {2010},
abstract = {Abstract of a paper. Blah Blah Bla. Omnes Gallia est divisa in partes tres. This text needs to be longer. Ideally, it should be in English, so the hyphenation algorithm can do its thing.},
issn = {1234-5678},
author = {Arnold Uthor and William Riter and Rita Esearcher and Steven C. Ientist and Stuart T. Udent and Peter R. Ofessor and Lewis E. C. Turer},
title = {A Very Interesting Article With a Lot of Authors},
journal = {Journal of Articles},
volume = {5},
number = {8},
pages = {8-12},
date = {2012},
abstract = {This is a fake asbtract of a non-existing paper, but it should still contain quite some text, so I will cotinue to make something up. This is lorem ipsum dolor sit amet bla blah blih blud.},
doi = {12345/6789.10},
author = {Walter Ordsmith},
journaltitle = {Journal of Sciences and Stuff},
volume = {42},
title = {The Work},
subtitle = {Subtitle},
date = {1983},
abstract = {I am really not confident that I can make up another (third!) fake abstract of somekind of paper that is long enough to leave the impression it actually is a proper abstract.},
url = {http://www.example.com},
author = {Arnold Uthor},
title = {A Book},
subtitle = {Some Books Have Subtitles},
date = {2013},
publisher = {Peter Ublisher \& Co.},
location = {Place City},
author = {Walter Ordsmith},
title = {Title},
subtitle = {Subtitle},
date = {2011},
publisher = {Books},
location = {Atlantis},
editor = {Edward Ditor},
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\printbibliography[sorting=chronological, type={#1}, title={\quad}, heading=none]
Hi, this should be a lorem ipsum text, but I can't be bothered to load it, so you will have to deal with this.
And now, over to the books!