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Here is some vertical space to force the align* environment to the
bottom of this page, so that the problem is exposed.\vspace*{15cm}

   Behold: a proposition.

   We first check that $f$ satisfies both parts of Definitions (number).
   For (i), let $v \in V_{(G / \ordtie) / \ordtie''}$. Then
   $v = \big[[v']_{\tie}\big]_{\tie''}$ for some $v' \in V_G$, and we have
      \pi_{G / \ordtie'}f(v) &= \pi_{G / \ordtie'}\big(f\b(){\b[]{[v']_{\tie}}_{\tie''}}\big)
                          \\ &= \pi_{G / \ordtie'}\big([v']_{\tie'}\big)
                                \tag{by Proposition (number)}
                          \\ &= \pi_G(v')
                              = \pi_{G / \ordtie}\big([v']_{\tie}\big)
                              = \pi_{(G / \ordtie) / \ordtie''}\big(\big[[v']_{\tie}\big]_{\tie''}\big)
                          \\ &= \pi_{(G / \ordtie) / \ordtie''}(v),
   \footnotetext{Here we are using (three times) the definition from
   Definitions (number) of the parity map of a quotient graph.}
   as required. For (ii), let $\{u, v\} \in U_{(G / \ordtie) / \ordtie''}$;
   then there exists $\{u', v'\} \in U_G$ such that
   $u = \big[[u]_{\tie}\big]_{\tie''}$ and $v = \big[[v]_{\tie}\big]_{\tie''}$. We have
   \[ \text{some more displayed mathematics, I daresay.}
   And that's all.


