为什么将 \foreach 与 \newtheorem 结合起来的代码不起作用?

为什么将 \foreach 与 \newtheorem 结合起来的代码不起作用?




\newtheorem{baseTheorem}{Base Theorem}[section]
\foreach \x in                                         % 1
    {conjecture, definition, example}                  % 2
    {\newtheorem{\x}[baseTheorem]{\MakeUppercase{\x}}} % 3


\section{Even numbers}

    A number is called \emph{even} if its remainder on division by $2$ is zero.

    $2$ and $0$ are both even numbers.

    The sum of two even numbers is again an even number.



! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \x 

l.16    A
          number is called \emph{even} if its remainder on division by $2$ i...

但是,如果将编号为 1、2 和 3 的行替换为以下行...


... 然后文档就可以编译了,看起来和我预期的一样。(我真正想要的是将“Conjecture”等的首字母大写,而不是整个单词,但这是另一个问题。)

此外,如果将第 1 行和第 3 行的原始版本\x更改为,则会得到不同的错误消息:\t

! Argument of \UseTextAccent has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.16     A
           number is called \emph{even} if its remainder on division by $2$ ...


\foreach \x in
    {conjecture, definition, example}
    {\def\uppercased\MakeUppercase{\x} \newtheorem{\x}[baseTheorem]{\uppercased}}


! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \uppercased 

l.16     A
           number is called \emph{even} if its remainder on division by $2$ ...






\newtheorem{baseTheorem}{Base Theorem}[section]
\foreach \x in                                         % 1
    {conjecture, definition, example}                  % 2
    {\edef\tmp{\noexpand\newtheorem{\x}[baseTheorem]{\noexpand\MakeUppercase{\x}}}\tmp} % 3


\section{Even numbers}

    A number is called \emph{even} if its remainder on division by $2$ is zero.

    $2$ and $0$ are both even numbers.

    The sum of two even numbers is again an even number.




  • 没有对内容进行分组(这里不是问题,因为\newtheorem无论如何都定义了全局环境)并且
  • 可以与已经扩展的内容一起使用#1(而不是作为宏序列)。



\newtheorem{baseTheorem}{Base Theorem}[section]

\pgfkeys{/utils/my Foreach/.code={\newtheorem{#1}[baseTheorem]{\MakeUppercase{#1}}},
         /utils/my Foreach/.list={conjecture, definition, example}}

\section{Even numbers}

    A number is called \emph{even} if its remainder on division by $2$ is zero.

    $2$ and $0$ are both even numbers.

    The sum of two even numbers is again an even number.


正如 David 已经解释过的,您需要获取字符串,而不是\x扩展到字符串。使用 很容易expl3


% provide a "user interface"
\cs_set_eq:NN \Foreach \clist_map_inline:nn

\newtheorem{baseTheorem}{Base Theorem}[section]
\Foreach{conjecture, definition, example}


\section{Even numbers}

    A number is called \emph{even} if its remainder on division by $2$ is zero.

    $2$ and $0$ are both even numbers.

    The sum of two even numbers is again an even number.




(编辑) 2017:因为xint 1.1 (2014/10/28)这里需要\usepackage{xinttools}。代码已更新,以替换\usepackage{xint}初始答案。

David 解释了原因,这里是使用 的替代方法,使用包的pgffor(可扩展)实用程序\xintApplyUnbraced信特(是的,我在这里无耻地不断宣传它)。想必将来的某个软件包版本将包含更多工具和更用户友好的语法,例如使用逗号分隔的值列表。



每次使用都\xintApplyUnbraced需要一个\Action宏,没有为其保留名称,但文档可以反复使用,\Action每次都有新定义。我使用\def而不是, \newcommand因为\Action它更像是一个低级助手。



\newtheorem{baseTheorem}{Base Theorem}[section]

% space at the start could be removed, but in some other situations
% it has its use. It means: don't execute the following code until
% all elements from the initial list have been fed to \Action

\def\Action #1{ \newtheorem{#1}[baseTheorem]{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}



\section{Even numbers}

    A number is called \emph{even} if its remainder on division by $2$ is zero.

    $2$ and $0$ are both even numbers.

    The sum of two even numbers is again an even number.



为什么不进行 foreach 等
