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  \centering\LARGE My Name \\
  \centering\large \strut Curriculum Vitae \\[\jot]
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  \small My Address \hfill [email protected] \\
  \small My phone number \hfill http://my.website.url

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}% Spread titles out a tad...


  \item \heading[Dec~2005]{My PhD in Something or Another}
    The University of You Know Who, Here, THERE
      \item Dissertation title: \textit{Amazing things that one can do during procrastination (revisited)}

  \item \heading[Aug~2000]{My MSc in Something or Another}
    The University of You Know Who, Here, THERE
      \item Thesis title: \textit{Amazing things that one can do during procrastination}

\section{Work Experience}

  \item \heading[Aug~2006 - present]{Sit-around-er}
    My home
      \item Watching television
      \item Sleep
      \item Eat

  \item \heading[Jan~2006 - Jul~2006]{Assistant to the assistant regional manager}
    Dunder Mifflin
      \item Do as I am told
      \item Always at the ready


\pubheading{Journal Articles}

  \item First item, Some title that is very long and spans more than a single line, 
    Chapter 1--10, pages 123--456, Academic Press, 2nd edition, 2009.

  \item Second item, Some title that is very long and spans more than a single line, 
    Chapter 1--10, pages 123--456, Academic Press, 2nd edition, 2009.



仅凭 pdf 很难回答你。我猜这个简历不对应某种风格,而更可能是标准文章类的一些小配置。



您可以在 Sharelatex.com 上找到类似的东西,那里叫做“Clean CV”,但正如 Werner 所说,它只是文章类的一个实现。

% (c) 2002 Matthew Boedicker <[email protected]> (original author) http://mboedick.org
% (c) 2003-2007 David J. Grant <davidgrant-at-gmail.com> http://www.davidgrant.ca
% (c) 2008 Nathaniel Johnston <[email protected]> http://www.nathanieljohnston.com
% (c) 2012 Scott Clark <[email protected]> cam.cornell.edu/~sc932
%This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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\textbf{\Large Your Name} & \textbf{\today} \\
Short description of you & E-mail \\
Adress & Homepage \\


\item \ressubheading{University Name}{City, Country}{BSc, MSc, PhD, or something else}{2009 - 2013}

    \resitem{Additional description nr 1}
    \resitem{Additional description nr 2}

\item \ressubheading{Other University Name}{City, Country}{BSc, MSc, PhD, or something else}{2004 - 2009}


\resheading{Some important section}

 \item First item
 \item Second item

 \item First item
 \item Second item

\resheading{Awards, Grants \& Honours}
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{Nobel Prize \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep} 2013}\\
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{Big grant \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep} 2010-2013}\\




我的一个朋友制作了类似的简历,我做了一些更新以使用法语,并添加了求职信。源代码是这里。我的是法文的,你看一下吧。 在此处输入图片描述
