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\date{24th September 2013}
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\title{Cross-linguistic effects on voice quality: an investigation on Brazilians’ production of Portuguese and English}
\author{Ana Paula Petriu Ferreira Engelbert \and Adelaide Herc\'{i}lia Pescatori Silva}
When we speak a foreign language (L2), we almost certainly sound different from how we sound in our native language (L1). Thus, the aim of this study was to compare voice quality when Brazilians speak their native language, Brazilian Portuguese (BP), and English as L2, in order to verify what changes in their voices when they speak different languages. Laver (1980, p.1) describes voice qualiy as “the characteristic auditory coloring of an individual speaker’s voice.” According to Abercrombie (1967, p. 91), voice quality refers to “those characteristics which are present more or less all the time that a person is talking: it is a quasi-permanent quality running through all the sound that issues from his mouth”. Esling (2000) claims that each language has its own pattern of physiological behavior in which articulators are trained to operate in different ways based on the language’s phonetic constituent. As a result, it is expected that speakers use different voice qualities when speaking different languages. In order to assess these features, the present study compared L1 and L2 speech production, analyzing intra-speaker variation in voice qualities with the aid of perceptual and acoustic instrumental analysis. To test methodological choices on speakers and text types, a pilot study was carried out. Data consisted of three Brazilian proficient speakers of English performing a reading task in Portuguese and English, with three repetitions, recorded in a room with soundproof. Also, an English native speaker was recorded performing the same task in both English and Portuguese. The acoustic analysis was based on LTAS measures, f0, spectral slope, H1-H2 and noise-to-harmonics ratio, and was done with the aid of the free software Praat (Boersma and Weenink, 2012). Preliminary results show different LTAS values, greater inclination of the spectral slope for L2 than the L1, and higher f0 in L2 than in L1. Therefore, there seems to be a tendency concerning the differences in voice quality when Brazilians speak Portuguese and English.
Abercrombie D. (1967). Elements of general phonetics. Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press.
Boersma, Paul and Weenink, David (2012). Praat: doing phonetics by computer [Computer program]. Version 5.3.34, retrieved 21 November 2012 from http://www.praat.org/
Esling, J. (2000). Crosslinguistic Aspects of Voice Quality. IN Kent, RD and Ball, MJ (eds). Voice quality measurement. Singular Publishing Group: California.
Laver J.(1980). The phonetic description of voice quality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
\widowpenalties 3 10000 10000 0
\title{Proceedings of the ...}
\author{Editor's Name\thanks{Support ...}}
\date{7th-9th October 2013}
\section*{Editor's introduction} \label{intro} Blabla blablabla bla blablabla bla blablabla
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{}Editor's introduction}
\coltoctitle{Cross-linguistic effects on voice quality: an investigation on Brazilians’ production of Portuguese and English}
\coltocauthor{Ana Paula Petriu Ferreira Engelbert and Adelaide Herc\'{i}lia Pescatori Silva}
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