如何旋转 pgfplot?

如何旋转 pgfplot?







                cycle list name=color list,
                axis x line=bottom,
                axis y line=left,
            \foreach \i in {1,2,3,4,5,6} {
                \addplot+[black] coordinates{
            \addplot+[red] coordinates{(2,6)(10,0)};    
                cycle list name=color list,  
                axis x line=bottom,
                axis y line=left,
                    xmin=-5,    xmax=10
                    %axis lines=none
                \addplot+[green,domain=-5:0] {sin(x*90)+3}; 
                cycle list name=color list,  
                axis x line=bottom,
                axis y line=left,
                    xmin=-5,    xmax=10,
                    axis lines=none
                \addplot+[green,domain=5:10] {sin(x/2*90)+2};   
                cycle list name=color list,  
                axis x line=bottom,
                axis y line=left,
                    xmin=-2,    xmax=10,
                    ymin=0, ymax=10
                    %axis lines=none
                \addplot+[green,domain=0:3] {-sin(x/3*180)*8+10};   










    [/pgfplots/y=8cm, /pgfplots/x=1cm] % To make sure all the plots use the same scale]
        %% VOLTAGE INPUT
            anchor=origin, % Shift the axis so its origin is at (0,0)   
            rotate around={63.5:(current axis.origin)}, % Rotate around the origin
            xmin=0, ymin=0, clip=false, % We only want the positive y axis, hence `ymin=0`. `clip=false` is necessary so we can still see the negative component
            xmax=4.5, ymax=0.8,
            axis lines*=center, % Axis lines going through the origin
            xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty, % No tick marks
            enlarge y limits={upper, value=0.5}, % Make the y axis a bit longer than necessary          
            axis y line=none
            \addplot [thick, blue, domain=1:4, smooth] {0.895*sin(x*120-120)} coordinate [pos=0.25] (input); 
            \coordinate (aux) at (axis cs:0,0.895); % Name the coordinate on the axis for drawing the dashed lines later        
            anchor=origin, % Same as before
            rotate around={-90:(current axis.origin)},
            axis lines*=center,
            xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty,
            xmin=0, ymin=0, clip=false, % We only want the positive y axis, hence `ymin=0`. `clip=false` is necessary so we can still see the negative component
            xmax=5.25, ymax=0.8,
            hide y axis % The y axis coincides with the x axis of the previous axis, so we hide it to avoid drawing it twice
            \addplot [line join=round,thick, red, domain=2:3.62, smooth] {-0.80*sin(x*120-240)} coordinate [pos=0.45] (output); % half a sine wave
            \addplot [line join=round,thick, red, domain=3.61:4.89, smooth]   {0.2} coordinate [pos=0] (rail_volt); 
            \addplot [line join=round,thick, red, domain=4.88:5, smooth] {-0.80*sin(x*120-240)}; % half a sine wave                                 

        %% CURRENT
                axis lines*=center,
                xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty,
                hide y axis,
                hide x axis,
                xmin=-12.25, ymin=0, clip=false, % We only want the positive y axis, hence `ymin=0`. `clip=false` is necessary so we can still see the negative component
                xmax=0, ymax=0.8,               
                enlarge x limits={upper, value=1} % Extend the axis to the right
            \addplot [smooth,thick, black, domain=-12.5:-12.38] {0.4*sin(x*120+4560)}; % Shifted half sine wave
            \addplot [smooth,thick, black, domain=-12.39:-11.11] {-0.1} coordinate [pos=0] (rail_curr); % Shifted half sine wave        
            \addplot [smooth,thick, black, domain=-11.12:-9.5] {0.4*sin(x*120+4560)} coordinate [pos=0.545] (current); % Shifted half sine wave 
            \addplot [smooth,thin,  black, domain=-12.75:-9.2] {0};             
                cycle list name=color list,  %% AXIS FORMAT
                axis x line=bottom,
                axis y line=left,
                xlabel style={at={(current axis.right of origin)},align=center,yshift=-0.5em, xshift=-3em,  anchor=north west},
                ylabel style={at={(current axis.above origin)},align=center,yshift=0em, xshift=+2.5em, anchor=north east,rotate=270},
                xlabel={$V_{DS},\;\lbrack V\rbrack$},
                ylabel={$I_{DS},$\\$\lbrack A\rbrack$},
                xtick={0,2,...,10},                                                     % {0,2,...,10} (the same as {0,2,4,6,8,10}), {0,1,2,5,8,1e1,1.5e1} (a series of coordinates)
                minor xtick={0,1,...,11},       
                %%extra x ticks={22},
                minor ytick={0,0.05,...,0.55},
                xmin=0, xmax=12,
                ymin=0, ymax=0.55,
                %x=1cm, y=1cm,
                %legend pos=south east,
                %grid=major,                                                % /pgfplots/grid=minor|major|both|none 
                axis on top,
                yticklabel style={draw=none, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0.3333em, fill=white, text opacity=1},
                xticklabel style={draw=none, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0.3333em, fill=white, text opacity=1}
                create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={0+\pgfplotstablerow*0.05}},
                create on use/y/.style={create col/expr={\thisrow{x}*0+0.65}},
                create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={0+\pgfplotstablerow*0.05}},
                create on use/y/.style={create col/expr={0.125*(\thisrow{x})^2}},
            % Sort the second table by the x value, from largest to smallest
            \pgfplotstablesort[sort cmp={float >}]\gsorted{\gtable}
            % Concatenate the tables -- now filledcurve contains the edge of
            % a polygon bounded by curves f and g
            \addplot+[opacity=0.8,fill opacity=0.3,draw=none,fill=yellow,postaction={pattern=north east lines}] coordinates {(11,0.55) (12,0.55) (12,0) (11,0)};            
            \addplot[fill=gray,opacity=0.7,fill opacity=0.2,draw=none,postaction={pattern=north east lines}] table {\filledcurve};  
            \foreach \i in {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5} {
                \addplot+[black] coordinates{
                \addplot+[black,domain=11:12] {((x-11)^4*5)+\i};    
            \addplot+[gray,domain=0:2.2] {0.125*x^2};           
            \coordinate (rail_abs) at (axis cs:10,0); % Name the coordinate on the axis for drawing the dashed lines later                  
            \addplot+[ultra thick, red] coordinates{(2,0.5)(10,0)}; 
            %%\node[red] at (axis cs:8.4,0.1) {\textbullet}; %(8.6666666666666666666)       
            \draw[thick, black, fill=red] (axis cs:8.4,0.1) circle(1mm);    

            \draw [densely dashed] (input) -- (aux); % Draw the dashed line
            \draw [densely dashed] (output) -- ($(aux)-(0,4.6)$); % Draw the dashed line            
            \draw [densely dashed] (aux) -- ($(aux)-(0,4.0)$); % Draw the dashed line
            \draw [densely dashed] ($(rail_abs)-(0,0.6)$) -- (rail_volt); % Draw the dashed line
            \draw [densely dashed] (current) -- ($(aux)-(2.8,0)$); % Draw the dashed line       
            \draw [densely dashed] ($(aux)-(2,0)$) -- (aux); % Draw the dashed line     
            \draw [densely dashed] (rail_curr) -- ($(rail_abs)-(10.6,0)$); % Draw the dashed line       




您可以通过设置精确定位和旋转轴anchor=origin, rotate around={<angle>:(current axis.origin)}


    /pgfplots/y=2cm, /pgfplots/x=0.1mm % To make sure all the plots use the same scale
    anchor=origin, % Shift the axis so its origin is at (0,0)
    rotate around={45:(current axis.origin)}, % Rotate around the origin
    xmin=0, ymin=0, clip=false, % We only want the positive y axis, hence `ymin=0`. `clip=false` is necessary so we can still see the negative component
    axis lines*=center, % Axis lines going through the origin
    xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty, % No tick marks
    enlarge y limits={upper, value=0.5} % Make the y axis a bit longer than necessary
\addplot [thick, blue, domain=60:420, smooth] {sin(x-60)*sqrt(2)} coordinate [pos=0.25] (input); % Add the plot, a sine wave shifted by 60 degrees and scaled by sqrt(2). Also add a node so we can draw the dashed lines later
\coordinate (aux) at (axis cs:0,{sqrt(2)}); % Name the coordinate on the axis for drawing the dashed lines later

    anchor=origin, % Same as before
    rotate around={-90:(current axis.origin)},
    axis lines*=center,
    xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty,
    hide y axis % The y axis coincides with the x axis of the previous axis, so we hide it to avoid drawing it twice
\addplot [thick, red, domain=180:360] {sin(x)} coordinate [pos=0.5] (output); % half a sine wave

    axis lines*=center,
    xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty,
    xmax = 0, % We'll draw this in the negative domain, but need to make sure the origin is still included in the axis
    hide y axis, 
    enlarge x limits={upper, value=1} % Extend the axis to the right
\addplot [thick, black, domain=-420:-240] {sin(x+60)} coordinate [pos=0.5] (current); % Shifted half sine wave

\draw [densely dashed] (input) -- (aux) -- (output) (aux) -- (current); % Draw the dashed line
