但是,使用这种方法后,我的表格会变得有点太宽。有些行左侧的内容较多(歌曲名称较长),有些行右侧的内容较多(作曲家姓名较长),但没有一个行同时具备这两种功能 - 所以如果我能找到一种根据内容自动调整列宽的方法,那将解决我的问题。
我不知道使用表格方法是否可行 - 如果有帮助的话,我很乐意切换到其他方法。最终目标是能够让列表中的行部分左对齐,其余部分右对齐:
|<- left edge of text right edge of text->|
|The first song by Some Guy|
| who lived then|
| |
|Some other song by Someone Else|
|and another one by the same guy who also lived|
| |
|A fourth song by a guy with a Really Long Name|
| aw, he's dead, Jim|
在 (Xe)LaTeX 中实现此目的的最佳方法是什么?
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/87097/is-it-possible-to-make-an-underfull-tabulary-spread-out/87543#87543
\noindent X\dotfill X
\zz{The first song}{by Some Guy who lived then}
\zz{Some other song}{by Someone Else}
\zz{and another one by the same guy}{who also lived}
\zz{A fourth song }{by a guy with a Really Long Name
aw, he's dead, Jim}
\noindent X\dotfill X