
\textcolor{cyan}{\Large \bfseries{8.1 Complex Numbers}}
\item Basic Concepts of Complex Numbers
\item Complex Sloutions of Equations
\item Operations on Complex Numbers
{\bfseries \textcolor {brown}{LOOKING AHEAD TO CALCULUS}}\\
The letters \textit {j} and \textit {k} are also used to rep-
resent $\sqrt -1$ in calculus and some
applications (electronics, for example)\\
The cslculator is in complex number
mode.  The top screen supports the
definition of i.  The bottom screen shows how the calculator returns the
real and imaginary parts of the
complex number $7 + 2i$
{\bfseries \textcolor{cyan}{Basic Concepts of Complex Numbers}} The set of real numbers does not include 
all numbers needed in algebra.  For example, there is no real number solution of
the equation
since no real number , when squared, gives -1.  To extend the real number system
to include solutions of equations of this type, the number $i$ is defined to
have the following property.
{\bfseries \textcolor{brown}{The Imaginary Unit $i$}}
$i=\sqrt-1$ and therefore $i^2=-1$.
(Note that $-i$ is also a square root of -1.)
Square roots of negative numbers were not incorporated into an integrated
number system until the 16th century.  They were then used as solutions of equa-
tions and later (in the 18th century) in surveying.  Today, such numbers are used
extensively in science and engineering.
{\textit Complex numbers} are formed by adding real numbers and multiples of $i$.
{\bfseries \textcolor {brown}{Complex Numbers}}
If a and b are real numbers, then any number of the form $a + bi$ is a
{\bfseries complex number.}  in the complex number a+bi,a is the {\bfseries real part} and b is the {\bfseries imaginary part.}*
Two complex numbers a+bi and c+di are equal provided that their real 
parts are equal and that their imaginary parts are equal; that is, they are equal if and
only if a=c and b=d.    Some graphing calculators, such as the TI-83/84 Plus, are capable of
working with complex numbers, as seen in {\bfseries Figure1.}    For a complex number $a+bi,$ if $b=0,$ then $a+bi=a,$ which is a real
number.  Thus, the set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers.
If $a=0$ and $b 0$, the complex number is said to be a {\bfseries pure imaginary number.}
For example, $3i$ is a pure imaginary number.  A pure imaginary number, or a
number such as $7+2i$ with $a  0$ and $b  0$, is a {\bfseries nonreal complex number.}
(The from a+ib is used to write expressions such as $i\sqrt 5$, since $\sqrt 5i$ could
be mistaken for $\sqrt 5i$.)
The relationships among the subsets of the complex numbers are shown in
{\bfseries Figure 2} of the next page.
For a positive real number \textit {a}, the expression $\sqrt -a$ is defined as follows.
---Britney Wiggins




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\textcolor{cyan}{\Large \bfseries{8.1 Complex Numbers}}



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\subsection{Complex Numbers}

\item Basic Concepts of Complex Numbers
\item Complex Sloutions of Equations
\item Operations on Complex Numbers

The letters $j$ and $k$ are also used to represent $\sqrt -1$ in calculus and some
applications (electronics, for example)

The calculator is in complex number
mode.  The top screen supports the
definition of $i$.  The bottom screen shows how the calculator returns the
real and imaginary parts of the
complex number $7 + 2i$

\subsection{Basic Concepts of Complex Numbers}
The set of real numbers does not include 
all numbers needed in algebra.  For example, there is no real number solution of
the equation
since no real number , when squared, gives -1.  To extend the real number system
to include solutions of equations of this type, the number $i$ is defined to
have the following property.

\subsection{The Imaginary Unit $i$}
$i=\sqrt-1$ and therefore $i^2=-1$.
(Note that $-i$ is also a square root of -1.)

Square roots of negative numbers were not incorporated into an integrated
number system until the 16th century.  They were then used as solutions of equa-
tions and later (in the 18th century) in surveying.  Today, such numbers are used
extensively in science and engineering.
\textit{Complex numbers} are formed by adding real numbers and multiples of $i$.

\subsection{Complex Numbers}

If a and b are real numbers, then any number of the form $a + bi$ is a
{\bfseries complex number.}  in the complex number a+bi,a is the {\bfseries real part} and b is the {\bfseries imaginary part.}*

Two complex numbers a+bi and c+di are equal provided that their real 
parts are equal and that their imaginary parts are equal; that is, they are equal if and
only if $a=c$ and $b=d$.
Some graphing calculators, such as the TI-83/84 Plus, are capable of
working with complex numbers, as seen in \ref{fig}
For a complex number $a+bi,$ if $b=0,$ then $a+bi=a,$ which is a real
number.  Thus, the set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers.
If $a=0$ and $b 0$, the complex number is said to be a {\bfseries pure imaginary number.}
For example, $3i$ is a pure imaginary number.  A pure imaginary number, or a
number such as $7+2i$ with $a  0$ and $b  0$, is a {\bfseries nonreal complex number.}
(The form $a+ib$ is used to write expressions such as $i\sqrt 5$, since $\sqrt 5i$ could
be mistaken for $\sqrt 5i$.)
The relationships among the subsets of the complex numbers are shown in
\ref{figg} of the next page.

For a positive real number $a$, the expression $\sqrt -a$ is defined as follows.
---Britney Wiggins








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