PdfLatex 转 Pdf

PdfLatex 转 Pdf

我正在尝试将 PdfLatex 编译为 Pdf,但一直出现此错误。我该怎么办?

Undefined control sequence.
l.5 \section


% file name : switch-models.tex 
%  input to HW-2-main.tex 
% for compsci190-2013F
\section {FHN switch models} 

\item Review of the three switch models in lecture notes 
\item Suggestion : think of {\em infinitesimal changes} in time
  and the corresponding potential. 

\vspace{1 cm} 

\subsection{Model (1)} 

Consider the basic model for a single switch. 


你有多个文件,但主文件必须以开头,\documentclass{style}例如\documentclass{article},下面显示一个 MWE

\documentclass{article} % %

\begin{document}  % %
\section {FHN switch models} 

\item Review of the three switch models in lecture notes 
\item Suggestion : think of {\em infinitesimal changes} in time
  and the corresponding potential. 

\vspace{1 cm} 

\subsection{Model (1)} 

Consider the basic model for a single switch. 
\end{document} % %
