我应该使用 \\ 来结束一行或一个段落吗?

我应该使用 \\ 来结束一行或一个段落吗?




some text that is the end of the line want.\\
End than the next line starts at the line below. etc



这产生了所需的结果,但是我在编译时有很多未满的垂直框。A. 这与我的使用有关吗\\?B. 结束/开始一个段落的正确方法是什么?


我使用报告文档类并且正在处理一份 200 页的文档,所以我想把这件事做好。







Hello, here is some text without a meaning.  This text should show
what a printed text will look like at this place. If you read this
text, you will get no information. Really? Is there no information?
Is there a difference between this text and some nonsense like
‘‘Huardest gefburn’’? Kjift -- not at all! A blind text like this
gives you information about the selected font, how the letters are
written and an impression of the look.

Hello, here is some text without a meaning.  This text should show
what a printed text will look like at this place. If you read this
text, you will get no information. Really? Is there no information?
Is there a difference between this text and some nonsense like
‘‘Huardest gefburn’’? Kjift -- not at all! A blind text like this
gives you information about the selected font, how the letters are
written and an impression of the look.

Hello, here is some text without a meaning.  This text should show
what a printed text will look like at this place. If you read this
text, you will get no information. Really? Is there no information?
Is there a difference between this text and some nonsense like
‘‘Huardest gefburn’’? Kjift -- not at all! A blind text like this
gives you information about the selected font, how the letters are
written and an impression of the look.



parskip 输出示例




Hello, here is some text without a meaning.  This text should show
what a printed text will look like at this place. If you read this
text, you will get no information. Really? Is there no information?
Is there a difference between this text and some nonsense like
‘‘Huardest gefburn’’? Kjift -- not at all! A blind text like this
gives you information about the selected font, how the letters are
written and an impression of the look.

Hello, here is some text without a meaning.  This text should show
what a printed text will look like at this place. If you read this
text, you will get no information. Really? Is there no information?
Is there a difference between this text and some nonsense like
‘‘Huardest gefburn’’? Kjift -- not at all! A blind text like this
gives you information about the selected font, how the letters are
written and an impression of the look.


在纯文本中使用\\它几乎总是错误的,参见何时使用 \par 以及何时使用 \\ 或空行
