我发现了一些使用开发版本(2.10 以上)的 tikz 代码,我正尝试让它工作(我感觉我正在做一些相当愚蠢的事情)。
无论如何,我确认了 tikz 的正确版本正在通过第二个答案中建议的方法使用这问题。
\begin{graph} [circular placement,branch right,nodes={draw,circle},edges= {>=latex}] {
"0,0,0,0" <->
{ "1,0,0,0"<->
有没有办法使用 tikz 的自动节点定位来生成它?如果没有,如何使用“较旧”的语法来完成?
笔记:如果重要的话,我正在使用 2012-11-04 版本的 tikz。
也许可以使用新的图库来完成,但我采用了一种老式的方法,首先绘制节点,然后使用基本转换工具确定应该连接哪些节点。数字之间没有逗号,但这留给读者练习 :)。
% Take two decimal numbers from 0 - 15, convert them
% to binary and detemine if their nodes should be
% connected.
% Expand the arguments...
% ...so that the next line produces (for example)
% \Process01000111
% #1#2#3#4 correspond to the bits of the first number
% #5#6#7#8 correspond to the bits of the second number
% Nodes are connected if they differ by exactly one bit.
% So a function is required such that:
% sum(f(x_i, y_i)) = 1 for i = 1,...,n
% Where n is the number of bits, and x_i and y_i
% are the i'th bits of the numbers x and y.
% The function f must return 1 if the bits are different,
% and zero otherwise.
% Consider the function
% f(x,y) = (x | y) - (x & y)
% For all combinations of x and y:
% f(0, 0) = 0
% f(1, 0) = 1
% f(1, 1) = 0
% f(0, 1) = 1
% So by summing this function over the bits of x and y
% the nodes will be connected iff the sum is equal to 1
% Here I've sort of done the same thing 'by hand', and
% separated the 'or' and 'and' operations as a separate
% function isn't really necessary.
% Installed for every node.
every byte/.style={
% Set some node styles if required
0101/.style={fill=blue!20, text=black},
0001/.style={fill=red!20, text=black}]
\foreach \bytes [count=\y from 0] in {
\foreach \byte [count=\x from 0] in \bytes
% Use \byte/.try to install a style if it exists.
\node [x=3cm, y=2cm, every byte/.try, \byte/.try]
% This positioning is a bit of a kludge
at ({\x+abs(2-\y)+(mod(\y, 4)==0)/2}, -\y)
(\byte) {\byte};
% Now go over every combination of numbers to
% to determine if their nodes are connected.
\foreach \x in {0,...,15}{
\foreach \y in {\x,...,15}{
\draw [<->] (\x) -- (\y);
。节点的定位与 Op 略有不同。
直接在节点名称中使用 或直接根据节点的 ID 进行检查(\pgfid
每个节点都保存 )来解决此问题。
%% Auxiliary things: \pgfMathifthenelse (used twice) and strrepeat function (used once)
\newcommand*{\pgfMathsetmacro}[2]{\pgfmathparse{#2}\let#1\pgfmathresult}% 2.10 fix
\pgfmathdeclarefunction{strrepeat}{2}{% from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/120605/16595
% the number of digits is saved in /tikz/digits; a pgfmath function for easier acess
digits/.initial=2, declare function={digits=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/digits};},
edge node/.code={% from CVS
\expandafter\def\expandafter\tikz@tonodes\expandafter{\tikz@tonodes #1}},
binary tree/.style 2 args={% initializes the tree, digits must be set before
start chain/.list={ch1 going #1, ch... going #1,%
ch\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/digits} going #1},
\node [name=n-\digits@temp, alias=ch0-begin] {$\digits@temp$};},
start tree/.expanded={0}{\digits@temp}{#2}},
start tree/.code n args={3}{% recursive tree-ing
\foreach \digit in {1,...,\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/digits}}{
\foreach \mDigit in {1, ..., \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/digits}}{
\node[#3=of ch#1-begin, on chain=ch\level, alias=n-\digits@temp]
\pgfMathifthenelse{\level+1>digits}{}{% faster stop of recursion
\def\digits@next{\tikzset{start tree/.expanded={\level}{\digits@temp}{#3}}}}
\path ({n-#2}) edge [binary edge/.try/.expanded={\level}{\digit}]
\tikz[binary tree={right}{below}]{}
binary edge/.style 2 args={->, edge node={
node[near start, sloped, allow upside down, rotate=90, fill=white, inner sep=+2pt]
binary tree={right}{below}]{}
\tikz[digits=4, binary tree={right}{below}]{}
\tikz[digits=5, node distance=0em and 1cm,
every edge/.append style={to path=(\tikztostart.east) -- (\tikztotarget.west)},
binary tree={above}{right}]{}