如何在边距所在的位置停止表格,而不是使用 textwidth 命令?

如何在边距所在的位置停止表格,而不是使用 textwidth 命令?

我在 tabularx 环境中嵌套表格时遇到了一些问题。基本上,我希望每个表格都停在边距处。通常,我会使用\textwidth宽度设置来实现这一点,但是,当我嵌套表格时,由于每个 tabularx 都会在表格前后添加空白(我不想直接删除空白),因此文本会“溢出”。这是一个 MWE:


Here is a bunch of text to demonstrate where the margin naturally falls. Note that the vertical lines around the tables show where each level has it's ``break''.

This is the first level of the nested tables. It roughly goes to where the margin is, which is good.\\
This is where the second level of the nested tables is. Unfortunately, it goes ``too far'' before the text wraps around.
And here is the third level. As can be seen, the problem gets worse and worse with each level.

基本上,我想要一些可以告诉 tabularx 在边距处换行的东西。有人知道怎么做吗?

编辑:解决了最初的问题(感谢 Werner!)但后来意识到使用 \linewidth 没有考虑到在 tabularx 之前添加的空间。MWE:

\usepackage[letterpaper,margin=2in]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{tabularx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/tabularx

Here is a bunch of text to demonstrate where the margin naturally falls. Note that the vertical lines around the tables show where each level has it's ``break''.


This is the first level of the nested tables. It roughly goes to where the margin is, which is good. \\
This is where the second level of the nested tables is. Unfortunately, it goes ``too far'' before the text wraps around. \\
And here is the third level. As can be seen, the problem gets worse and worse with each level.


This is the first level of the nested tables. It roughly goes to where the margin is, which is good. \\
This is where the second level of the nested tables is. Unfortunately, it goes ``too far'' before the text wraps around. \\
And here is the third level. As can be seen, the problem gets worse and worse with each level.

The second set of nested tables seems to work great, but then it runs into problems when I add space before the nested tables, which I would like to be able to do.

This is the first level of the nested tables. It roughly goes to where the margin is, which is good. \\
This is where the second level of the nested tables is. Unfortunately, it goes ``too far'' before the text wraps around. \\
And here is the third level. As can be seen, the problem gets worse and worse with each level.






\usepackage[letterpaper,margin=2in]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{tabularx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/tabularx

Here is a bunch of text to demonstrate where the margin naturally falls. Note that the vertical lines around the tables show where each level has it's ``break''.


  This is the first level of the nested tables. It roughly goes to where the margin is, which is good. \\
    This is where the second level of the nested tables is. Unfortunately, it goes ``too far'' before the text wraps around. \\
      And here is the third level. As can be seen, the problem gets worse and worse with each level.


  This is the first level of the nested tables. It roughly goes to where the margin is, which is good. \\
    This is where the second level of the nested tables is. Unfortunately, it goes ``too far'' before the text wraps around. \\
      And here is the third level. As can be seen, the problem gets worse and worse with each level.





  This is the first level of the nested tables. It roughly goes to where the margin is, which is good. \\
    This is where the second level of the nested tables is. Unfortunately, it goes ``too far'' before the text wraps around. \\
      And here is the third level. As can be seen, the problem gets worse and worse with each level.




Here is a bunch of text to demonstrate where the margin naturally falls. Note that the vertical lines around the tables show where each level has it's ``break''.

This is the first level of the nested tables. It roughly goes to where the margin is, which is good.\\
This is where the second level of the nested tables is. Unfortunately, it goes ``too far'' before the text wraps around.
And here is the third level. As can be seen, the problem gets worse and worse with each level.

This is the first level of the nested tables. It roughly goes to where the margin is, which is good.
\par\noindent\advance\leftskip by 1em
This is where the second level of the nested tables is. Unfortunately, it goes ``too far'' before the text wraps around.
\par\noindent\advance\leftskip by 1em
And here is the third level. As can be seen, the problem gets worse and worse with each level.

\noindent\advance\leftskip by -2em%% the old value




