书目不是按外观排序的。已经尝试将 abbrv 更改为 unsrt!

书目不是按外观排序的。已经尝试将 abbrv 更改为 unsrt!

我对 Texmaker 和 BibTeX 还很陌生。需要按照文章中出现的顺序获取参考文献,但它一直显示作者顺序。我发现了类似的问题并尝试更改abbrvunset,但没有成功。非常感谢您的帮助!

我正在使用论文模板,正如你所见,我已经将样式从 abbrv 更改为 unsrt

\setup{title={The best master thesis ever},
  author={First Author\and Second Author},
  promotor={Prof.\,dr.\,ir.\ Knows Better},
  assessor={Ir.\,Kn. Owsmuch\and K. Nowsrest},
  assistant={Ir.\ An~Assistent \and A.~Friend}}
% The following \setup may be removed entirely if no filing card is wanted
  shortabstract={Here comes a very short abstract, containing no more than 500
    words. \LaTeX\ commands can be used here. Blank lines (or the command
    \texttt{\string\pa r}) are not allowed!
    \endgraf \lipsum[2]}}
% Uncomment the next line for generating the cover page
% Uncomment the next \setup to generate only the first pages (e.g., if you
% are a Word user.

% Choose the main text font (e.g., Latin Modern)

% If you want to include other LaTeX packages, do it here. 

% Finally the hyperref package is used for pdf files.
% This can be commented out for printed versions.

% The lipsum package is used to generate random text.
% You never need this in a real master thesis text!
 {\newcommand{\lipsum}[1][11-13]{\par And some text: lipsum ##1.\par}}


  I would like to thank everybody who kept me busy the last year,
  especially my promotor and my assistants. I would also like to thank the
  jury for reading the text. My sincere gratitude also goes to my wive and
  the rest of my family.


  The \texttt{abstract} environment contains a more extensive overview of
  the work. But it should be limited to one page.


% A list of figures and tables is optional
% If you only have a few figures and tables you can use the following instead
% The list of symbols is also optional.
% This list must be created manually, e.g., as follows:
\chapter{List of Abbreviations and Symbols}
    LoG   & Laplacian-of-Gaussian \\
    MSE   & Mean Square error \\
    PSNR  & Peak Signal-to-Noise ratio \\
    42    & ``The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe,
            and Everything'' according to \cite{h2g2} \\
    $c$   & Speed of light \\
    $E$   & Energy \\
    $m$   & Mass \\
    $\pi$ & The number pi \\

% Now comes the main text

% ... and so on until

% If you have appendices:
\appendixpage*          % if wanted
% ... and so on until

% The bibliography comes after the appendices.
% You can replace the standard "abbrv" bibliography style by another one.



%%% Local Variables: 
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: 




强制 TeXworks 刷新 bib 文件

软件包 natbib 错误:参考书目与作者年份引文不兼容
