我正在尝试设置图表。有时 y 轴值范围会变得有点窄。在其中一种情况下,我遇到了臭名昭著的“尺寸太大”错误,如下所示。
我该如何避免该错误,它似乎与 psgraph 可选参数中的集成 AXIS 参数有关。
\begin{psgraph}[optionals... going to axis](xmin,ymin)(xmax,ymax){width,length}
我希望以下内容有资格成为 MWE...;)
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt, headsepline, parskip, headinclude]{scrbook}
40 0.01
30 0.008
15 0.001
0 0}
\large Works fine\\
\normalsize Using y-Max = 0.1 and Dy = 0.02
\large Throws an error trying to magnify \emph{y} by one magnitude
% ! Dimension too large.
% <recently read> \p@
% l.59 ...,0)(40,0.01){0.4\textwidth}{0.4\textwidth}
% I can't work with sizes bigger than about 19 feet.
% Continue and I'll use the largest value I can.
\normalsize Using y-Max = 0.01 and Dy = 0.002
TeX 算法很麻烦。你可以使用以下命令缩放值\pstScalePoints
40 0.01
30 0.008
15 0.001
0 0}
\pstScalePoints(1,1){}{100 mul}
使用 PGFPlots,您无需担心自己缩放数据。此外,您可以使用任何编译器(、、、latex
... )编译文档:pdflatex
\addplot [thick, red] table {
40 0.01
30 0.008
15 0.001
0 0