我对较大的图形(或具有大标题的图形)使用 dpfloat,这样我就可以把标题放在左侧,把插图放在右侧。
它一直有效到我的论文的第 50 页左右,然后连续三个图的标题从右侧开始,插图从紧挨着的左侧开始(因此,它们偏移了 +1 页)。
%== Figure 2 ==
\begin{figure}[p]% should be left side, but prints on p. 52
{\caption[The matrix formalism for calculating phenolog overlaps]{\textbf{The matrix formalism for calculating phenolog overlaps} is
especially important when predicting between species where large
gene family expansions have occurred since
species divergence, such as between \textit{Arabidopsis} and
humans. The example uses human and mouse to illustrate the orthogroup-based matrix formalism.
(\textbf{a}) Phenotype associations (colors) are plotted as graphs for
genes from human (left nodes, subscripted $h$) and mouse (right
nodes, subscripted $m$), showing genes' orthology relationships (edges radiating from
orthogroups --- middle nodes, labeled $O$). The orthologies (from INPARANOID), are used
to ``translate'' phenotype associations
between species (in the case of the gene-based matrix
framework in panels (\textbf{b, c})) or into an intermediate collection of
orthogroup--phenotype associations (for the orthogroup-based
matrix framework in (\textbf{d})). Orthogroup vertices
(e.g., $O_A$) connect human and mouse orthologs (such as
$A_h$, $A'_h$, and $A''_h$, which are paralogs of one another
relative to the human--mouse divergence, with $A_m$ and $A'_m$. Red vertices within a species are genes
associated with the phenotype of interest ($\phi_h$ for human and
$\phi_m$ for the mouse phenotype); orthogroup colors reflect the species data.
These associations can alternately be captured by representing
the graphs as matrices (\textbf{b--d}), with bullets indicating an
association between a given genetic element and a
phenotype. Specifically, (\textbf{b}) and (\textbf{c}) represent the gene-based
formalism, and (\textbf{d}) illustrates the orthogroup-based
formalism. Human and mouse phenotype columns are indicated by
$\phi_h$ and $\phi_m$, respectively.}\label{fig2}}
\begin{figure}[p]% right side, but instead prints on p. 53.
无法选择 aleftfullpage
模板中,第一个图出现在第 2 页和第 3 页,第二个图出现在第 6 页和第 7 页;不带选项的模板twoside
中,第一个图仍然在同一个位置,但第二个图出现在第 5 页和第 6 页。
\usepackage{utdiss2} %Example works also with this package commented out
%\usepackage{psfig} % Obselete
\usepackage{graphicx} % Instead of epsfig
\usepackage{cite} % Instead of obselete citesort
\usepackage{lipsum} % For sample text in this example
\chapter{First chapter}
{\caption[Left page caption]{Long text. Long text. Long text.
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Long text. Long text. Long text. Long text. }\label{fig2}}
{\caption{Left page caption.}\label{fig2}}