tikz 中不需要的额外垂直间距:这是一个错误吗?

tikz 中不需要的额外垂直间距:这是一个错误吗?


我想使用 填充背景(并执行其他操作,例如绘制带圆角的框架)tikz。但某些线条之间插入了一些不必要的垂直间距。当我使用\colorbox填充背景时,不会出现此间距。




% The purpose of the `brbox` environment below is to typeset a box with
% a given background colour. The box may be split by page breaks.
% The algorithm used is similar to the one found in the `boites`
% package:
% - first the text is formatted in a vbox
% - then each line of the vbox is extracted from the vbox and output in
%   a colorbox.


% split \boxtail between the first line (to be stored in \boxhead) and
% the rest (to be stored in \boxtail);
  % total height (height + depth) of original box
  % split original box in order to retrieve its first line
  \setbox\boxhead\vsplit\boxtail to \z@
  % the height and depth of the first box are zero: fix them
    % the gap (interline space) between first line and the rest has been
    % lost; restore original size: the difference of the original total
    % height and the total height of each box

% add \fboxsep to the last line

    \splittopskip\z@ % glue inserted at the top of a box resulting from a \vsplit
    \setbox\boxhead\vbox{\vskip\fboxsep\box\boxhead}% add \fboxsep to the first line
      \brbox@addfsepdp % add \fboxsep to the last line
          \brbox@addfsepdp % add \fboxsep to the last line

\def\brbox@tikzline{\tikz\node[inner xsep=0pt,inner ysep=0pt,fill=yellow!30](p){\copy\boxhead};}
  \let\brbox@singleline \brbox@tikzline
  \let\brbox@firstline  \brbox@tikzline
  \let\brbox@middleline \brbox@tikzline
  \let\brbox@lastline   \brbox@tikzline

% alternative: use colorbox to fill the background of the box
\def\brbox@bgline{{\fboxsep\z@ \colorbox{yellow!35}{\box\boxhead}}}

  \let\brbox@singleline \brbox@bgline
  \let\brbox@firstline  \brbox@bgline
  \let\brbox@middleline \brbox@bgline
  \let\brbox@lastline   \brbox@bgline


  \LaTeX\ is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features
  designed for the production of technical and scientific
  \LaTeX\ is the de facto standard for the communication and publication
  of scientific documents.



  \begin{brbox} \mytext \end{brbox}

  \begin{brbox} \mytext \end{brbox}









% The purpose of the `brbox` environment below is to typeset a box with
% a given background colour. The box may be split by page breaks.
% The algorithm used is similar to the one found in the `boites`
% package:
% - first the text is formatted in a vbox
% - then each line of the vbox is extracted from the vbox and output in
%   a colorbox.


% split \boxtail between the first line (to be stored in \boxhead) and
% the rest (to be stored in \boxtail);
  % total height (height + depth) of original box
  % split original box in order to retrieve its first line
  \setbox\boxhead\vsplit\boxtail to \z@
  % the height and depth of the first box are zero: fix them
    % the gap (interline space) between first line and the rest has been
    % lost; restore original size: the difference of the original total
    % height and the total height of each box

% add \fboxsep to the last line

    \parindent0pt     %<--- added
    \hbadness=10000   %<--- added
    \splittopskip\z@ % glue inserted at the top of a box resulting from a \vsplit
    \setbox\boxhead\vbox{\vskip\fboxsep\box\boxhead}% add \fboxsep to the first line
      \brbox@addfsepdp % add \fboxsep to the last line
          \brbox@addfsepdp % add \fboxsep to the last line
    \par %<--- added

  \tikz\node[inner xsep=0pt,inner ysep=0pt,fill=yellow!30](p){\copy\boxhead};\hfill
  \let\brbox@singleline \brbox@tikzline
  \let\brbox@firstline  \brbox@tikzline
  \let\brbox@middleline \brbox@tikzline
  \let\brbox@lastline   \brbox@tikzline

% alternative: use colorbox to fill the background of the box
\def\brbox@bgline{{\fboxsep\z@ \colorbox{yellow!35}{\box\boxhead}}}

  \let\brbox@singleline \brbox@bgline
  \let\brbox@firstline  \brbox@bgline
  \let\brbox@middleline \brbox@bgline
  \let\brbox@lastline   \brbox@bgline


  \LaTeX\ is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features
  designed for the production of technical and scientific
  \LaTeX\ is the de facto standard for the communication and publication
  of scientific documents.




  \begin{brbox} \mytext \end{brbox}


  \begin{brbox} \mytext \end{brbox}



我用 标记了更改<--- added

