MiKTeX 2.9(适用于 x86)、Win 7(x64):biber 无法运行,好像没有安装

MiKTeX 2.9(适用于 x86)、Win 7(x64):biber 无法运行,好像没有安装

我通过 MiKTeX 的包管理器安装了 biber,但在尝试编译我的参考文献时,什么也没发生,好像 biber 没有安装,而实际上,它的 .exe 存在于下,C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin并且此路径包含在系统变量中。Bibtex 工作正常。

每次尝试通过命令提示符运行 biber 时,我都尝试删除createdpar-4e69636f6c6173下的文件夹C:\Users\Nicolas\AppData\Local\Temp,但无济于事。系统地键入会在我的文件夹中biber test创建 4 个文件Tempbiber.exelibgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll和。libstdc++-6.dllperl516.dll

我还尝试在 MiKTeX 设置中运行“刷新 FNDB”。


这是 MWE


title = {What makes a skilled writer? {W}orking memory and audience awareness during text composition},
volume = {21},
shorttitle = {What makes a skilled writer?},
number = {5},
urldate = {2013-03-02},
journal = {Learning and Individual Differences},
author = {Alamargot, Denis and Caporossi, Gilles and Chesnet, David and Ros, Christine},
year = {2001},
keywords = {Audience awareness, Expertise, Eye Movements, Individual differences, Online     measures, Procedural text, Written production},
pages = {505--516},

Some text \autocite{alamargot2001}\ldots


xelatex test生成 test.log/aux/bcf/pdf、refs.bib 和 test.run.xml。

biber test或者biber test.bcf不产生任何结果: biber 命令
