%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine O}
\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase,Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Biolinum O}
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Linux Libertine Mono O}
\begin{document} % ==============================================================
\newfontfamily{\HT}{Hoefler Text}
When using and transitioning from roman to \textit{italics} and back, \LaTeX\ appears to preserve character spacing at the baseline.
{\Huge It is more \textit{noticeable} in larger font sizes.}
{\Large\bfseries The problem persists at \textit{other} weights.}
\textsf{...also with Linux Biolinum, the {\itshape associated} sans-serif font.} {\tiny ← That one is \textit{really} noticeable!}
{\HT This does not appear to be a \textit{problem} in other typefaces.}
{\BV Where \LaTeX\ evidently \textit{preserves} character spacing at mid-ex-height or so.}
Some graphic (if contrived) examples:
Linux Libertine: l\textit{l}l
{\HT Hoefler Text: l\textit{l}l}
{\BV Baskerville: l\textit{l}l}
找到时,LaTeX 添加斜体修正这应该可以补偿从倾斜字体到直立字体的变化。
\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O}
\newfontfamily{\HT}{Hoefler Text}
\showboxbreadth=1000 \showboxdepth=1000 \tracingonline=1
\sbox0{\textit{l}l}\showbox0 \box0
\sbox0{\textit{l}l}\showbox0 \box0
\sbox0{\textit{l}l}\showbox0 \box0
> \box0=
.\EU1/LinuxLibertineO(0)/m/it/10 l
.\kern 0.45
.\EU1/LinuxLibertineO(0)/m/n/10 l
! OK.
l.13 \setbox0=\hbox{\textit{l}l}\showbox0
> \box0=
.\EU1/HoeflerText(0)/m/it/10 l
.\kern 0.665
.\EU1/HoeflerText(0)/m/n/10 l
! OK.
l.16 \setbox0=\hbox{\textit{l}l}\showbox0
> \box0=
.\EU1/Baskerville(0)/m/it/10 l
.\kern 0.43457
.\EU1/Baskerville(0)/m/n/10 l
! OK.
l.19 \setbox0=\hbox{\textit{l}l}\showbox0
我们看到,对于 Linux Libertine,斜体校正为 0.45pt,对于 Hoefler Text 为 0.665pt,对于 Baskerville 为 0.43457pt(请注意,斜体校正取决于字符,因此,如果使用“f”而不是“l”,则情况会有所不同)。
使用 LuaLaTeX 可以获得不同的数据:Linux Libertine 的斜体校正为 0.65pt,Hoefler Text 的斜体校正为 0.765pt,Baskerville 的斜体校正为 0.53223pt。
所以两个引擎对参数的评估有些不同,看来 XeTeX 不太慷慨。传统的 TeX 字体为每个字符定义了一个特定的参数,而 XeTeX 和 LuaTeX 必须从其他数据中计算出来。