防止在 AASTeX deluxetable \tablecomments 和下一个 deluxetable 之后分页?

防止在 AASTeX deluxetable \tablecomments 和下一个 deluxetable 之后分页?

问题如下:有两个 deluxetables (AASTeX) 接连设置。第一个 extends 的 \tablecomments 超出了页面边界,因此一行文本位于新页面上。


但是,不知为何,下一个 deluxetable 添加了分页符。因此,除了一行 \tablecomments 之外,页面基本上是空白的。看起来相当丑陋。


很难发布关于此内容的 MWE,因为这将是很长的示例。本质上,代码如下:


\tablecaption{Test 1. \label{tab:test1}}
\tablehead{\colhead{dummy} & \colhead{dummy}}
    % ... a lot of data, automatically split over 2 pages ...
    % Should be long enough so that Table Comments start at the end of one page
    % and continue with one line onto the next page.
\tablecomments{Some rather long comment here that needs at least two lines.}

% The next deluxetable should start right after the first one, on the same
% page as the trailing Table Comments of the first table. For some reason, it does not.

\tablecaption{Test 2. \label{tab:test2}}
\tablehead{\colhead{dummy} & \colhead{dummy}}
% ... a lot of data as well, automatically split over 2-3 pages ...
\tablecomments{Any table comment.}



这些deluxetables是浮动对象。据我所知,它们的参数bp意味着可以放置在页面底部,或放置在单独的浮动页面上。现在,默认情况下,LaTeX 不会在页面底部为浮动对象保留太多空间,实际上\bottomfration默认情况下0.3意味着它们只能填满30%页面底部。此外,默认情况下,底部允许的浮动对象数量由 控制bottomnumber1您需要增加这两个值才能有机会将两个表放在同一页面上。例如:





\tablecaption{Test 1. \label{tab:test1}}
\tablehead{\colhead{dummy} & \colhead{dummy}}
    % ... a lot of data, automatically split over 2 pages ...
    % Should be long enough so that Table Comments start at the end of one page
    % and continue with one line onto the next page.
\tablecomments{Some rather long comment here that needs at least two lines.}

% The next deluxetable should start right after the first one, on the same
% page as the trailing Table Comments of the first table. For some reason, it does not.

\tablecaption{Test 2. \label{tab:test2}}
\tablehead{\colhead{dummy} & \colhead{dummy}}
% ... a lot of data as well, automatically split over 2-3 pages ...
\tablecomments{Any table comment.}


无论如何,如果表格不适合,它们将被移至单独的页面。您可以在以下位置阅读有关浮动参数的更多信息:如何影响 LaTeX 中图形和表格等浮动环境的位置?
