具有 alwaysadjust 的 Paralist

具有 alwaysadjust 的 Paralist

我想对齐分项列表中的元素,使得没有项目标签占用页边距的一部分。我为此使用了 paralist 包。但是,项目缩进并非在所有情况下都正确:




\section{Complexity classes}

Please note that the following list of complexity classes is not 
only important, but also contains no information about them.

\item[\textbf{PTIME}:] A complexity class
\item[\textbf{NP}:] Yet another complexity class
\item[\textbf{PSPACE}:] Guess what...


  \item Where are the other complexity classes?
  \item Perhaps this document does not need them?



问题似乎是标签宽度有一个最小值,名词解释标签较小。没有px字体包,问题就不会发生。现在可以使用“不断调整”选项添加到 paralist,但文件不再编译。使用“旧项目“paralist 选项将使列表标签延伸到页边距。








\section{Complexity classes}

Please note that the following list of complexity classes is not 
only important, but also contains no information about them.

\item[PTIME:] A complexity class
\item[NP:] Yet another complexity class
\item[PSPACE:] Guess what...


  \item Where are the other complexity classes?
  \item Perhaps this document does not need them?



尝试itemize用包compactdesc中的环境替换环境paralist。这将产生 在此处输入图片描述




\section{Complexity classes}

Please note that the following list of complexity classes is not 
only important, but also contains no information about them.

\item[PTIME:] A complexity class
\item[\textbf{NP}:] Yet another complexity class
\item[\textbf{PSPACE}:] Guess what...


  \item Where are the other complexity classes?
  \item Perhaps this document does not need them?

