

我正在处理一张表格,其中有一列(第 3 列)宽度约为 5 厘米(具体设置),我希望文本在该列上对齐。但是,由于列太窄,段落样式(与 microtype 包结合使用)创建的文本间距或“拉伸”过多,不适合我的链接。我想编辑用于对齐的规则:允许在单词或多或少接近列边框时进行对齐,但如果单词没有接近边框,则禁用对齐(或单词间距),因为这会使文本不自然地拉伸(!!!尤其是因为有些是单独的句子(或新行),以\linebreak

在提供的示例中,尤其是第 3 列、最后三行的文本,间距不是“很好”。





\textbf{No.} & \textbf{Col2}    
                        & \textbf{Column3}
                                            & \textbf{Goal of the }\\  
\hline \hline   
\textbf{1}  & TL-TL and \linebreak PAL-PAL      
                        & TL: max climb thrust to low idle \linebreak PAL: -2 degrees to +3 degrees 
                                            & text \\ \hline
\textbf{2}  & PAL-PAL   & from 0 degrees to (+4 until +15) degrees  
                                            & text\\ \hline
\textbf{3}  & PAL-PAL   & from 0 degrees to (-4 until -15) degrees  
                                            & text\\ \hline
\textbf{4}  & TL-SL\footnotemark[4]-TL-SL \linebreak (PAL)      
                        & TL: from 0.01 to 0.242\footnotemark[6] \linebreak SL: from 200 to 280 knots \linebreak SL: from 0.5 to 0.75 Mach \linebreak (PAL): from -2 degrees to +3 degrees     
                                            & text\\ \hline
\textbf{5}  & TL-SL-TL-SL \linebreak (VSL)      
                        & TL: from 0.01 to 0.242\footref{fn:6} \linebreak SL: from 200 to 280 knots \linebreak (VSL): from -300 feet per minute to +300 feet per minute         
                                            & text\\ \hline
\textbf{6}  & TL-PAL-TL-PAL \linebreak (SL)     
                        & TL: from 0.01 to 0.242\footref[6] \linebreak PAL: from -2 degrees to +3 degrees \linebreak (SL): from 200 to 280 kt       
                                            & text\\ \hline
\caption[short ]{long . \label{tab:test:testvars}}
\footnotetext[4]{\textbf{Note:} SL (Speed Law)in knots.\label{fn:4}}
\footnotetext[5]{\textbf{Note:} SL (Speed Law) in Mach number.\label{fn:5}}
\footnotetext[6]{\textbf{Note:} TL (Thrust Laws) are expressed in thrust coefficient.\label{fn:6}}

