Tufte 风格的旁白

Tufte 风格的旁白

一段时间以来,我一直在使用 Tufte 样式模板来制作文档,但发现它们对我被要求制作的其他文档格式有限制。我大量使用“旁注”和脚注,因此像他那样定义脚注很好,但常规的 Tufte 样式并不符合文档其余部分的规范。我主要想像他那样重新定义脚注命令,并在常规 LaTeX 文章或书籍类中实现它。

具体来说,我希望创建一个迷你样式文件来定义脚注,如下所示: 论文作者:Jason Catena

但仍然允许我使用常规 LaTeX。有人有创建这些的好方法吗?带有计数器的边注可以工作,但对于多个注释,当使用多个注释时,它们往往会重叠。

如果有帮助的话,我发现它是在 tufte-common.def 中实现的,但我对以其他方式实现它的主题并不了解。


正如 godbyk 所说,我们sidenotes为此目的创建了这个包。以下是示例的最小实现:


\usepackage[paperwidth=170mm, paperheight=240mm, left=42pt, top=40pt, textwidth=280pt, marginparsep=20pt, marginparwidth=100pt, textheight=560pt, footskip=40pt]{geometry}


I shall use the word programming to denote the whole activity of design and implementation of programmed solutions. What I am concerned with is the activity of matching some significant part and aspect of an activity in the real world to the formal symbol manipulation that can be done by a program running on a computer. With such a notion it follows directly that the programming activity I am talking about must include the development in time corresponding to the changes taking place in the real world activity being matched by the program execution, in other words program modifications.\sidenote{As a major result of these studies I described programming as a human activity: theory building.}

One way of stating the main point I want to make is that programming in this sense primarily must be the programmers building up knowledge of a certain kind, knowledge taken to be basically the programmers immediate possession, any documentation being an auxiliary, secondary product.



具有字体大小预设等的示例实现是caesar_book。您可以根据自己的喜好进行更改:Github 来源

使用更新的TeXLive,只需将第一行改为 ,\documentclass{caesar_book}而不是 ,book并删除两个\usepackages
